A Test for Conservative Party

Wednesday brought the welcome news that Matthew Long, the son of Conservative Party boss Mike Long was released from the hospital. Matthew Long was seriously injured in an accident while riding his bike to work during the transit strike.

It’s ironic that this occurred the same week, that Westchester State Senator Nick Spano introduced a bill would require the MTA to pay half of the strike fines levied against the TWU for illegal strikes, strikes like the one that was  indirectly responsible for Matthew Long’s injuries.

The irony comes about because Nick Spano has in the past, run for re-election with the strong support of the Conservative Party.  And since Spano won his last re-election battle by 18 votes, it can be fairly said that the Conservatives’ endorsement was responsible for Spano’s win.

So what will the Conservatives do this year?  Will they pour salt into Matthew Long’s wounds and continue to endorse Spano, whom the NY Post called the unions’ poodle? Or will they take a stand on principle and hurt the re-election chances of a Republican State Senator?
