Naming Names and Taking No Prisoners: Outing Sorry-Assed Black Elected Officials

So most of the black elected officials in Brooklyn hate my guts: whoop-dee-damn–doo. Let me give some of those in the other boroughs, reason to join the Brooklyn Klan in their dislike for me. Interestingly enough, one of the Brooklyn electeds stopped me last weekend- at an event in his district- and requested a sit-down. I don’t think so. My position is simple: when you sit down with dogs, you stand up with fleas; and fleas bite and they also suck blood.

Anyway, let me take my show on the road. To Queens to be exact. Let me out another one of these intellectually-challenged and morally-bankrupted individuals. His name is Leroy G. Comrie.

When Leroy Comrie first appeared on the New York City Council scene, he was the chief-of-staff for one Archie Spigner (Deputy Speaker under Peter Vallone snr.), and also chief ass-kisser to both Vallone and Spigner. His apologists told me, “give the man a break Rock, he has to make a living”. Fine; but do you have to sell your soul doing it?

Then his boss was term-limited (Thank God). Leroy Comrie ran for the vacant seat in 2001. From a crowded race, he won the democratic primary. Then he faced token opposition in the general election, winning that too. Fine. But don’t you not now show real leadership?

He was fortunate enough to have the blessing of the Queens county boss Tom Manton (deceased). It helped him get a leadership role in the city council. His tenure has been remarkably nondescript; and that’s putting it lightly. He is overpaid, overrated and overweight. Then he won re-election to another two year term in 2003. Not so fine; but he won anyway.

Nearing the end of his term, he announced that he was running for Speaker of the council. Oops. Let me re-phrase that: he faked running for speaker. He had nothing going. He had nothing in place. He barely made a token effort. The best effort he put into the race was the effort to deceive. Even Charles Barron got snookered. Comrie was a blocker for Tom Manton-who wanted an Irish lesbian from Manhattan to get the job (Christine Quinn). Manton got his dying wish. Comrie prevented any serious minority challenger from emerging. Some blacks now call him a sellout.

In between all that, he was up for re-election to a four year term (2005). He won his primary because he had no challenger. In fact he won the general election because he still had no challenger. If memory serves me right, Comrie held the Democratic, Republican and Working Families Party lines. He may have even had the Conservative and Independence party lines. You can check and see; I really don’t care too much. The bottom line is he was UNOPPOSED.

So here comes the big question: How does an incumbent/candidate for city council-running unopposed-spend two hundred thousand dollars on his non-election?

The exact amount spent was $193,629. He raised $211,624 from 683 people. I am sure the majority of those contributors are hard-working middle class balck-folks. I wonder how they will feel now that I have outed Leroy. Hey Leroy, your mama’s calling you man.

To add insult to injury, Comrie still has $2,750 in outstanding liabilities. Maybe that’s for all the hamburgers he stuffed during this arduous re-election battle. But seriously folks: what’s going on?

It is said that Comrie intends to run for the Queen’s Borough president position in 3 years; if this is true, then he needs to explain to us where did all this money go.

Stay tuned-in folks.
