Robert Novak – Wrong Again!

Saturday’s Robert Novak column included this whopper –

“Recipients of mail from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) were surprised this past week to receive a fund-raising appeal signed by former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright.”

“Secretaries of state, by tradition, stay away from partisan politics while in office. Former holders of the position generally follow the same practice. Nobody can remember fund-raising solicitations from Colin Powell, Warren Christopher or Henry Kissinger.”

A 5 minute google search of the words Henry Kissinger fundraiser found this –

“Kean spent Wednesday attending a fundraiser in New York hosted by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger before meeting with senior citizens in Bergen County.” (Newsday)

“New York, NY-July 26…Kathleen Troia “KT” McFarland, a top Pentagon official in the Reagan administration who is pursuing the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, today announced that former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Governor of Massachusetts William Weld each will be hosting fundraisers for her U.S. Senate campaign. Dr. Kissinger’s event will be held on September 6th.” (Urban Elephants)

“Henry Kissinger isn’t typically thought of as a player in New York politics, but he’s everywhere these days.

Greg Sargent reported recently that he was hosting a Weld fundraiser.” (The Politicker)

“Mr. Faso asked them to help him raise “a couple million” before the next fund-raising reports are made public on July 15 — a crucial deadline for him to show that he can attract money in his uphill battle against the leading Democratic candidate, Eliot Spitzer.

John also outlined a series of upcoming fund-raisers across the state — including one to be hosted by John Whitehead (a Spitzer nemesis) and Henry Kissinger, an old ally of Mr. Faso’s former rival in the governor’s race, Bill Weld.” (Empire Zone)
