Watch Out Shelly Silver: Guess Who’s Coming Your Way?

File this one under: “Predictions from the Rock”. Watch it blow up and then come back to me later. You see, this is the month that Diane Gordon goes on trial over her alleged bribery caper. Remember the video tapes, where we saw Ms. Gordon seemingly attempt to bribe a developer into building her a dream house in some gated community in Queens; well unless they postpone the trial she will be soon getting her day in court. So what are my predictions?

Firstly; I predict that Diane will be going to jail, not passing go, and not collecting the 200 dollars from passing (monopoly). This of course opens up her assembly seat in a special election. And cousins, this is where it gets sexy (politically speaking, that is).

You see, when Charles Barron announced earlier this summer that he was running for Brooklyn’s borough presidency, he also said some rather interesting things. No; I am not talking about his pledge to finally, “take care of black folks”; I am talking about his observation that no other black could win that race once he is in it. He is correct; profoundly so. Yet, Charles is also quite pragmatic when he is backed into a corner. He must know also that the corollary is just as true: if other blacks run, he too will lose. So what is a man to do here folks?

As of today- when I placed my ears to the ground- I am hearing that Barron will be facing three or four other blacks for the Boro Prez race. The names being bandied around include Yvonne Graham, Nick Perry, Chris Owens and Velmanette Montgomery; so what is a black man supposed to do here folks? His chances could get even worse if a Hispanic enters the race.

Secondly; I am predicting that Barron will run to fill Gordon’s vacant seat in a special election. I am also predicting that he will win in a cakewalk. So look out Speaker Silver; guess who is coming to take some of those pictures (of white males) off the Assembly walls? He might even introduce ‘reparations’ legislation. Hey, maybe if you ask him politely, he just might walk with Ms. Viola Plummer as chief-of-staff.

Truth be told: the New York State Assembly needs shaking up anyway. That soporific chamber could use a lil “action”, and we damn well know that Barron will provide such.

By the way: I have one other prediction. After NYC Council speaker Christine Quinn reads this article, there will be a big smile on her face. Stay tuned-in folks; because Brooklyn is still the joint. Brooklyn’s politics is even more snorey and stinky than Barack in the morning. For years he smoked cigarettes (which affect your perspiration odor and breath); what’s Brooklyn’s excuse?

BTW; a note to Michelle Obama: keep Barack away from those damn cigarettes- the kids will know the difference.