Something is Missing

With all the media coverage of Governor’s Spitzer’s plan to allow undocumented immigrants to get driver’s licenses, there has been at least one thing missing that could be instructive. 

Many stories state that seven other states issue licenses but I’ve yet to read of hear how this is actually working out in those states. 

The states are Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington.  

Wouldn’t it be interesting to learn what the people in the most Republican state in the union – Utah think about the controversy in New York? Now that it’s a national political story, I’d like to know what Senator Orin Hatch thinks about it.  

I’d also be interested in learning if anyone thinks Pearl Harbor is in danger because of Hawaii’s policy or if people in charge of the dams and nuclear plants in Washington have a problem with the policy. 

Shouldn’t the New York Times or Associated Press or CNN be covering this?  
