The Vines (#05-07)

Whenever I run into political junkies on the streets, most of the static I receive-for my writings on these here blogs- usually come from, or for, things I say in my “Vines” column. I remember a couple years back when I first started doing these columns; I specifically told you all (between columns and threads) that it would be a mixture of political gossip, political history (first, second and third hand/lol), my insight/speculation/analysis, some inside info, some hard core facts/news, and some cleverly disguised political stuff for some of the insiders to figure out-much to their chagrin (I hoped/lol). I know that I haven’t disappointed you guys; and I base this conclusion on the feedback I get throughout all five boroughs. My blogging over the past three years has made me more popular now, than my almost 35 years of political and community activism in the five boroughs of New York City (and even beyond). Strange but true, and it demonstrates the power of media.

So here is the dope: after many requests, I am going to stretch out a little bit, and move way beyond Brooklyn with my nuggets. Liza Sabater from the Daily Gotham (who I think is “hot” by the way/lol) once responded to one of my columns-by saying in a thread- that we should have inside (and/or insider) stuff, coming from all five boroughs; nobody picked up on this. Look, someone should be writing of the other boroughs, the same way Gatemouth, Mole, Michael Bouldin, myself and some others, do about Brooklyn. I challenge the gatekeepers on Room Eight and Daily Gotham to recruit people to do this; otherwise readership will fall off (and I am sure the signs are being observed; no?).

Anyway, enough griping: on to serious shit. Does New York Governor Eliot Spitzer have a dominatrix hidden somewhere? He looks like a guy who is into to sado-masochism; no? It’s either that or he needs to fire his advisers. Some say that he has one adviser: himself. If this is true, then he seriously has to have a deep conversation with himself. Hey Eliot: CALL ME; LET’S TALK. And remember this: “ if you live in a cave for too long, you will eventually start believing that the shadow on the wall is a real person”/lol.

I remember when the word was that Eliot was on his way to the White House, by using this governorship as a springboard. Nowadays some folks aren’t even certain he could get to the outhouse of the White House at the rate he is self-imploding. Who was the brainiac/genius behind the timing mechanism to that “illegal-alien driver’s license” idea? No Christmas bonus for that one; I am sure. In fact: is he/she still employed there?

In the upcoming presidential primaries: I expect some nasty stuff coming through the media-over the next five weeks- on the road to the Iowa caucus. Barack Obama’s camp has been bracing for a nasty low-life hit for some time now; some say it’s the way the Clinton’s have always fought hard races. They go back to some of Bill’s gubernatorial races with proof of “dirty campaigns”. It appears that a funny thing happened recently though (if blog entries/chatterings are correct): apparently the Clintons got waylaid by an article in a British newspaper. It is being implied that Hilary Rodham Clinton is carrying on a lesbian relationship/affair (adulterous) with one of her key aides. This scurrilous article isn’t the first of its kind (lesbian innuendo) attacking Hilary over the years; but it should be the last. It was disgusting. Some of what is being implied on the blogs is that this aide has tremendous control of Hilary Clinton’s time/schedule/calendar/decisions and such; suggesting that many are suspicious as to the depth of all this.

Some on the blogs have been speculating that the Drudge Report was behind this nasty hit on Hilary, especially since they were the ones who broke the Monica Lewinsky story years aback. Others were hinting that Obama’s camp was behind it all. There is not even a sliver of proof being offered in all this, which tells me that the blogs should not be your main source for political news; but then, for a supposedly respectable British newspaper to actually go as far as naming the aide in question, I suspect a lawsuit can’t be far behind; unless there is more to this.

Was that a hit on Barack Obama coming from Jesse Jackson earlier this week? If so, it would be the second time that he has smacked Obama upside the head during this campaign. Remember during the Jena Six controversy Jesse accused Obama of acting like a whitey? It was because Jesse felt that Barack did not speak up strongly enough (and black enough/lol), in his condemnation of what many saw as a double (racial) standard in the application of justice. Now Jackson is saying that of all the democrats running for president, only John Edwards is seriously addressing the issue of poverty. Could you imagine the things Jesse would have been saying if he wasn’t supporting Barack? With friends like these I guess Barack surely doesn’t need enemies; right? Jesse needs to shut the fuck up and make way for the young boy (Barack Obama). Jesse’s time is gone but apparently: he doesn’t know it.

While I am still on the presidential race, let me just say that both Hilary and Barack are wrong-as it relates to who is best qualified to deal with foreign policy issues. In this field of democrats, Joe Biden and Bill Richardson run one-two in that regard. Also, did you observe that deft move made by Clinton’s campaign? They announced that relative to foreign policy issues, they will consult with Colin Powell-the first black Secretary of State in US history. It was another skilful attempt at holding on to their fragile lead (in the polls) amongst black voters.

Hilary is running a tremendous campaign folks; a highly skilful one too. If she loses, many will blame New York’s present governor (Spitzer) instead of Hilary herself; however, she was the one who messed up on the issue of licenses for undocumented aliens. If she had been straightforward and honest about her true feelings on the issue, she would have avoided this meltdown (taking place before our very eyes, folks).

Am I the only blogger who believes that there could be a brokered convention of the democrats (and even republicans too, maybe); which in turn could lead to an Al Gore draft? Maybe Al Gore will finally become the president of this country like he should have been in 2001. The best ticket the democrats could field in 2008-relative to maximizing their chances of regaining the White House- would be Gore at the top, and Obama at the bottom (vice-president). I say this despite my great admiration and respect for Barack Obama. The issue(s) of race is (are) still to be played out in this contest. Wait; you will see what I am talking about real soon.

Also, relative to the presidential race; this is a plug for my friend Verna Smith. She is a journalist who migrated from the island of Jamaica, and has had a long running program on cable television called “Caribbean Roundtable” (which mainly deals with issues facing the Caribbean-American community). For some months now Ms. Smith has been building a web-site that deals exclusively with this presidential race ( Do check it out. It is quite informative. I suspect that Verna is leaning Hilary Clinton’s way; but I don’t hold that against her (lol), since she seems to have a lot of company in this regard. Last Saturday, while collecting signatures for Obama’s NY ballot-access effort (I was working in Co-Op City, Bronx), I encountered many black females who were vociferously supporting Hilary Rodham-Clinton. I think it’s a “feminist” thing.

On the republican side of the equation, let me say for the umpteenth time: Rudy Giuliani will not be the republican nominee. PERIOD. I don’t even think it’s worth going into. He can lead all the polls from here to New Hampshire, but I still believe that he will not be the nominee. And I have said this from day one. I expect a John McCain resurgence, but I have no idea who the nominee will be. I just will repeat: it is not going to be Giuliani.

Now, on to the 2009 NYC mayoral race: it was a lil disgusting to see how quickly some of the potential candidates, quickly distanced themselves from Eliot Spitzer’s driver’s license proposal, as soon as the poll came in showing that 74% of the public was totally against the idea. I will say this again and again; most politicians in NYC have no balls. This doesn’t go for Eliot Spitzer or Mike Bloomberg, by the way. Spitzer is a gutsy politician who just has to do better with timing and decision-making. Bloomberg is also gutsy, but much luckier than Eliot; Bloomberg is a leprechaun (see my article on this in the archives here).

Congressman Anthony Weiner came down against Spitzer’s plan and was joined by Yvette Clarke I am told. To me, the trouble with this was the fact that Yvette (like her mother Una) has made a political career out of supporting immigrant-issues (supposedly), and this position just doesn’t square up. At least NYC councilmember Kendall Stewart has the guts to stick to his position on this issue. Stewart–who chairs the Immigration sub committee-sees it as a public safety issue more so than as a national security issue. I see this as an issue that encroaches on both national security and public safety concerns. I think many politicians are being xenophobic and demagogic about all this. That’s shameful, since we do need to vet issues like these in the public forum. Truth be told: Eliot Spitzer handled the whole thing wrong that’s all; in so many ways and on so many levels that it isn’t funny.

Despite my position against “gay-marriage” (or is it “marriage reform”), I still think that it is admirable that Spitzer intends to carry through on his campaign promise, to push for legislation on this issue. Campaign promises should be honored as best as they possibly could. That is what is expected in a democracy; let the legislature have their say, and then the court finally-if there is still dispute. It’s the civil and sensible way. Don’t you folks agree? Tell cousin Rocky what you think. And further; despite the fact that he has been kissing some Assembly-ass lately, can we expect that Eliot will keep his word(s) on reforming Albany? I do hope so.

While we are dealing with State politics by the way: if Eliot Spitzer’s poll numbers continue to freefall, expect Michael Bloomberg to reconsider his position about not running for governor in 2010. This is called: political evolution via political polling. It’s nothing new folks; nothing personal, just good old-fashioned: opportunism. I really don’t see Andrew Cuomo challenging Spitzer in 2010, no matter how far down Spitzer’s poll numbers go; I really don’t. But then: I have been wrong one or two times before.

In the Bronx: people are wondering whether or nor Helen Foster is really running for Boro Prez. They say that if she is running then she is doing a good job of not showing it. Word is that with a crowded field Helen could get real lucky. This race is shaping up to potentially become one of the most fiercely contested in the 2009 cycle. BTW: did anyone understand Adolfo Carrion’s position on the now infamous “driver’s license plan”, as quoted by blog sources? Did it seem quite nuanced to you?

On Election Day a few weeks ago, I fought (verbally/amicably) with Barbara Davis (former assemblywoman/Bronx) who was outside a polling site trying to reign in votes for the ex-mayor (Mount Vernon) Ernie Davis. I don’t know if they are relatives or not, but she was working hard for him in the awfully cold weather. Clinton Young became the new mayor, and his campaign was managed by Brooklyn’s own: Omar Boucher. We need to congratulate Omar on a fine victory here folks. If I were to tell you some of the Brooklyn political players who were engrossed in this race, it would make your head spin; but I will save the names for another day. All I can say to them is: I know who you are; I saw many of you/lol.

While I am up in that neck of the woods; let me just say that both state senators Hassel-Thompson and Stewart-Cousins are getting challenges next year. There are some who are even thinking of tackling Congressman Elliot Engels; many are saying that he really lives in Washington, D.C. Some are also saying that this is a minority-majority district. What are you saying?

There are some black political activists up there, who believe that the Bronx Hispanic political power players can be taken out with hard-fought electoral races. To them it’s a question of organization and determination. They believe that the strength of the Bronx organization is vastly overrated.

In Staten Island (The Rock/as it is called by insiders), many are wondering if Debbie Rose will run for the vacant council seat (McMahon) in 2009. Rose has tremendous cross-over appeal, and is one of just a few political activists in NYC, who can draw votes from all races, nationalities and ethnicities. If she runs and wins, then history can be made: she will be the first black to get to the council from Staten Island.

In Queens County there are many blacks who believe that the boundary lines of congressional, state senate, state assembly and city council districts, have been obscenely gerrymandered to keep whites in power. They say it’s a plantation out there. They also think that it is all meant to dilute black and Hispanic political strength. Some believe that the justice department should take a deep look at the maps-on all three levels of government. I took a look at a few, and I am inclined to be at least a lil suspicious that they may in fact be correct in this assessment. What do you think? Who draws these maps anyway?

Last year, I was probably the only blogger in New York who predicted that city council member Hiram Monseratte, would squeak out a win against state senator John Sabini; I was close: but no cigar. Next year, this duel returns unless Billary Clinton becomes US president, thereby (possibly) offering Hiram a highly visible post in her administration, in order to save the precarious 11th senatorial seat for their friend (Sabini). Look, there are as many Hispanics in this district, as there are Mexicans illegally crossing our borders at this exact minute. Hiram’s chances of winning this time around have gotten better folks; not worse. Other than that, the county machine could offer to back him for Boro Prez as a way keeping him off of Sabini’s shaky ass; this however, seems to not be in the works. It is being said on the blogs that the dems county machine will back another woman (this time a white woman from Far Rockaway) for that position. Remember they backed Helen Marshall last time out. Other possible runners in this race include Peter Vallone jnr. and Leroy Comrie. It could get lil crowded in here folks; there is talk of still other potential candidates.

While I am in Queens, there is word that Congressman Meeks won’t have to worry about his wife running to replace Leroy Comrie in the council. The word is that her candidacy has been aborted, thus sparing Meeks the embarrassment of having to support someone other than his wife in that upcoming race. However, rumor has it that his sister (Janella/ Janelle?) is looking to run against Tish James for the 35th council seat in Brooklyn. Eric Blackwell is also looking to comeback for another crack at James in this race folks. What does the congressman (Meeks) have to do, to avoid kinfolk running in embarrassing spots? You tell me.

In Manhattan there is a strong rumor that Inez Dickens can (maybe) become the first black woman to be speaker of the NYC Council. Some are saying that Denny Farrell is leaving his assembly seat to run for the council (replacing Jackson), in hopes of being speaker; we’ll see. They say it’s no sure thing that Jackson replaces Denny.

Last Election Day, the crack pair of black political operatives (consultants) Luther Smith and Kevin Wardally (of Bill Lynch and Associates), pulled off an upset of sorts, when they won a district leadership (Dems) with a female candidate they tested on the Upper East Side. Remember earlier in the year, this pair almost raided Brooklyn with Jennifer James in the 40th council district-she came in with a surprising (to many) second place finish, to Mathieu Eugene; almost pulling off a major upset. They have big plans for the future folks; so keep your eyes on them/lol. By the way; rumor has it that Bill Lynch has some health issues he is presently facing; which isn’t anything new to political insiders. If it is true then I wish him a speedy recovery. Bill is someone well respected and admired, in political circles, locally, nationally and internationally.

Speaking of city councilman Mathieu Eugene: it is true- the rumors circulating out there- that I am considering mounting a challenge to him in 2009. I have put a challenge up on the drawing board, and I will make a final decision late next year. I am taking my time on this one. In the incubator are many promises from all kinds of folks (all over the city) who have been pressuring me to run for office one more time. Some are suggesting that I again run for district leader (Dems) in Brooklyn’s 42nd district, next year; as a precursor to the Eugene challenge. In that race, I am hearing rumblings that former district leader James Connolly wants to make a comeback, by challenging the current incumbent Booker Ingram. What is shaping up in that neck of the woods is the jockeying for position given some upcoming changes to the political landscape because of term limits. The dynamics are also being shaped by the upcoming challenge by Kendall (Doc) Stewart to state senator Kevin Parker. Word is that attorney Mitchell (Mitch) Alter is not supporting Stewart; do you believe this? After all, Mitch was instrumental in shaping Stewart’s political career. I wonder what happened there? What do you guys think?

Over the next couple of years there will be many openings for judicial races in Brooklyn (as usual) unless the courts rule against such; already many names are surfacing. Three women who are taking hard looks at running for judgeships are Pia Wood, Marva Prescod (St. Vincent born) and Lisa Ottley; word is that these three will make formidable candidates. They are qualified, capable and competent. They are also individuals of sterling character and high integrity. I have already promised both Ms. Wood and Ms. Prescod that I will help, if they run; and I do intend to keep those promises. Also rumored on the streets is that judge Delores Waltress-Joseph will not run for re-election; this will create another opening.

It seems that Taharka Robinson will finally run public office. Word is that his mother (Assemblywoman Annette Robinson/Bed. Stuy) is going to retire after this term, and that she will be replaced by her son. I am told (and have partially observed) that Taharka has been doing a good job over the last few years, as a community activist dealing with issues of police brutality, black on black crime, gangs and youth violence. I wish him well in his future political endeavors and I mean this sincerely. However, there are some in the insurgent pockets of Brooklyn’s politics who will oppose his moves.

Taharka is a shrewd operative, has had great success as a political consultant and is also a fine technician; so he will be in good shape no matter what happens at sundown. His life is inspirational in that he has been able to overcome personal adversities and errors, before charting a positive course for accomplishment, achievement, growth and personal development. I commend him for all this.

There are many other happenings in Brooklyn (especially) that I would love to continue writing about here, but this is already an extensive column so I will save the rest for another time. Until then; stay tuned-in folks.