Suggestion for Spitzer

If the financial markets overseas tomorrow are like they were today and Wall Street follows, I have a suggestion for Governor Spitzer. Cancel the budget presentation, throw the document in the trash, and start over. He should probably do it anyway. Going along with a fantasy until after the November elections, at the price of far more severe damage to our public services and economy, is unethical — but absolutely consistent with past practice. Note the difference between Mayor Bloomberg’s already-announced budget cuts and news of spending increases already leaked from the Governor’s budget. But proposing a more or less good-times budget on the very day of a severe stock market decline would make the “Sherrif of Wall Street” seem the equivalent of all those CEOs who have been hustled out the door in the last couple of months. Or our former Governor or a member of the state legislature. So I suggest that Spitzer check with Bloomberg tomorrow morning. The company, not the Mayor.