Just Imagine

The following appeared on The Politico.

Imagine if the names were changed from Rick Renzi to Charlie Rangel (or any NY Democratic Congressman) and from John McCain to Hillary Clinton?

Wouldn’t this be a much bigger story?


In late October 2006, after it was revealed that the FBI was looking into allegations that the now indicted Rep. Rick Renzi (R-Ariz.) was under investigation for his involvement in a federal land transfer deal, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) came to Renzi's rescue.

According to the blog "Deep Thought," McCain said the following about Renzi, who was indicted today on 36 federal corruption charges, during a series of automated robocalls made to voters in Renzi's district:

"This is Sen. John McCain. I'm calling to urge you to support my friend Rep. Rick Renzi for Congress. Rick has represented the first district of Arizona with tenacity, honesty and integrity beyond reproach. I work with Rick every day and can report to you his total dedication to the people of Arizona and the United States. Please join me in supporting rural Arizona's workhorse congressman on Nov. 7. [Paid for and authorized by Rick Renzi for Congress]."

Renzi has also been one of the co-chairmen of McCain's presidential campaign in Arizona.

McCain said today (h/t to talkingpointsmemo.com) he was sorry for Renzi and his family but didn't know enought about rhe case to comment further.

"But I don't know enough of the details to make a judgment," McCain said. "These kinds of things are always very unfortunate. … I rely on our Department of Justice and system of justice to make the right outcome."