David Paterson versus Mike Bloomberg: there go them Harlem boys again.

Today in the New York Post newspaper, columnist Fred Dicker sure lived up to his last name, since someone is surely going to get screwed by his front-page article. He reported that in private conversations, N.Y. Governor David Paterson said that, “Mayor Michael Bloomberg (NYC) is a nasty, tantrum-prone liar”. Dicker further states that Paterson claimed, “It is obvious that Bloomberg has little use for the kind of people who comes from Queens and Staten Island”. He further says of Bloomberg, that “you can’t trust him”. Look, I am not going to rehash the history of this dust-up; you can do your own research by going through the last four weeks of newspapers in this naked city. Also, I am not going to repeat all that Dicker claimed to have been said by our Cinderella governor (including the Spitzer comparison); go buy the paper yourself. I am however, going to accept (for now) that all of Dicker’s statements are true; at least until they are refuted or disclaimed by the governor.

Didn’t I warn you folks ‘bout them Harlem boys? As I told you: they “aint” easy. They are unafraid to throw a punch; unlike these elected wimps we have from Brooklyn (well, with the exception of Kevin Parker; I guess/lol). And finally this past weekend, out steps “Mr. Lucky” (N.Y. Governor David Paterson), and he goes straight upside Mayor Bloomberg’s head; right on the heels of Bad Boy Billy Perkins (see my column from last week). There must be something in that uptown water folks, we need to check it out; we need to import some to Brooklyn.

For those who were away for Father’s Day weekend, let me fill you in. Paterson’s people and Bloomberg’s people have been involved in protracted negotiations, to save the jobs of the fifteen-hundred-odd NYC Off Track Betting Corporation’s employees. These OTB folks were hanging in the wind for quite some time now, as the mayor and governor pondered what to do, about what was probably the only bookie operation in the world to be losing money. Bloomberg had been threatening for years to close down the operation. In fact over his tenure as mayor of NYC, he has appointed more than one inept deputy to oversee OTB; they dug deeper holes for the corporation as if deliberately trying to ground the organization. If you think I am lying, then go ask any OTB staff person to tell you the truth (off the record/ since many are intimidated). I have been hearing these grumblings for years; from clerks, district-managers, branch-managers, tellers, technical staff, custodians and the like.

Would you believe that there are those who say OTB did better under Hazel Dukes? And we know what a loose canon she was. The truth here is that OTB has been one of many failures during the regime of “Mr. Haughty” (Mayor Michael Bloomberg); but of course the fawning press has refused to scrutinize the man’s record in office- for reasons still to be known.

To understand what happened this weekend, and why Paterson’s comments about Bloomberg were profound, you will have to understand the climate that has been created around the Bloomberg mayoralty. The ass-kissers in the council have miserably failed the people of NYC, by refusing to critique Mr. Mike. So in Mike’s head he is one of the best mayors this city has ever had; and beside that he feels that he is doing us all a great big favor: by being our mayor for one dollar per.

You know what I hate most about our electeds: they are spineless. For years they all privately talked about Spitzer’s temper, and his vicious and vindictive ways; but to get most of them to go on record was like pulling teeth. To try to get them to go public with their observations is like the hardest thing you could attempt (beyond writing this of course/lol). For years, they have been saying the same things about Bloomberg that they once said about Eliot Spitzer; but they do it behind his back. They find him petty, mean, condescending, diabolical, stubborn, arrogant, punitive, and vengeful; and this is just for starters. Yet the vast majority of them kiss his ass right up the crack, while out of the other side of their mouths, they call him a bully. And he of course feels that he could buy anyone and everyone: no sir; you can’t. You cannot buy David Paterson. At least I hope so.

It sure took some time, but finally a Harlem-boy steps up to what has been percieved as Bloomberg’s lying, deceitful, manipulative, patronizing and pompous ways; and then tells him: “KMA”. It just might be an epic of things to come. It was a proverbial slap to face that said: “let’s get it on (negro-expletive/lol)”.

Paterson must be tired of all those polls showing that he governs at Bloomberg’s behest. He is saying to MB: “if you want to run against me then bring it”.

Stay tuned-in folks.