At Least, They Spelled Silver Correctly

From Tuesday’s New York Sun –


But clearly, Mr. Silver is taking this race seriously. He's marshalling the resources of the Working Families Party and, according to a source, has hired a legislative aide to conduct opposition research on Mr. Newell, but not on Mr. Henry. On Friday, his campaign blanketed the East Village with fliers announcing in three languages (English, Spanish, and Chinese) that Mr. Silver was setting up a mobile district office to hear constituent complaints.


From Wednesday’s New York Sun –

 Correction from June 18, 2008:No legislative staff member is paid to conduct opposition research for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver's campaign. Mr. Silver's mobile district office has been in existence for a decade, and notifications about its presence were issued by his district office. A column on page 9 of the June 16 New York Sun was incorrect.