“Paul’s Boutique” (AKA “Licensed to Ill”)– some riffin’ on the politics of cool (REVISED more than once)

This is totally random.

Among the 388 individual contributions reported by Paul Newell, one of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver's two primary challengers, is $1,000 given by someone named Hester Diamond.

Turns out Hester Diamond is an art collector, interior designer and also the mother of one Michael Diamond, who is better known to the music world as "Mike D" of the Beastie Boys.

Hester Diamond was a top Newell contributor – one of only four people to give him $1K.

Who knew Newell was so hip?

Paul Newell: No sleep ‘til Albany 


Well, as the Beasties might say, “You gotta fight for your right to the Party”

Of course, given the vastly superior resources of the Speaker, it would probably also be wise for Paul to heed the response of Public Enemy, and "Party for your right to fight”, by setting up a few more fundraising events (although one suspects that there are also probably more than a few victims of Michael Boxley who have yet to ante up). 

Perhaps "progressive" wunderkind fundraiser “Little Artie Wonder” Leopold can broker his favorite Congressional candidate,  hip-hop philosopher Kevin Powell, into setting up a face to face between Paul N and Chuck D, as long as Chuck promises not to bring up Paul’s Elvis/Schmelvis ripoff of Barack "Big Boy Crudup" Obama’s Chicago Blues (though personally, I’ve always thought Obama was the political equivalent of Robert Cray’s imitation of Eric Clapton channeling the blues power of Albert, B.B. & Freddie King). If Dave Chappelle can blow off a Powell event, think of the star power just waiting to do the same for Newell (who, unlike Chappelle, actually bothered to attend).   

Frankly though, if I had to place Newell musically, I’d say he calls to mind a bald Elvis Costello, though one more at home with the Brodsky Quartet than Allen Toussaint.

The real "Beastie Boys" of New York politics would seem to be serial woman abusers J. Michael Boxley (Silver's former counsel) and Kevin Powell (the working class Boxley), although in fairness I should note that the recording artists calling themselves "The Beasties" clearly yearn to be black, while in Boxley's case this is not so certain. Newell has quite obviously been trying to exploit the Silver/Boxley matter in the press (while attempting to hide his fingerprints), and it is tough to blame him.

Still, it does beg some interesting questions:

First, if Boxley and Powell took their act on the road, with Former Queens Councilman Dennis Gallagher as DJ, would Dennis and Michael spar over who got to call himself "Vanilla Ice"? 

More importantly, if Boxley (like Powell, also more articulate and better on the issues than incumbent Ed Towns), were running in the 10th CD, would Newell be writing him a check, like he did for Powell? 

I believe that sexual abuse is an unforgiveable offense, but is pulling a knife on a woman, as opposed to  a phallus (and they are often used in conjunction), merely a minor infraction, subject to later salvation? Having been raised to believe that rape was a crime not of sex, but of violence, I'm having some trouble grasping this subtle distinction. Kevin Powell calls himself a "recovering misongyist"; does Michael Boxley claim to be the same? Or is it that being early for Obama cleanses all sins?

Anyway, while I’m not sure I found the Beastie/Newell story quite as awesome (her word) as Liz “Cookie Puss” Benjamin, it did set me to thinking. Both Paul and Beastie Adam “King Ad-Rock” Horwitz grew up in the Village; could the “Beastie” album title also used for this piece have political significance?

Curious, I Googled "Paul Newell" + "Paul's Boutique" and the trail eventually lead here–complete with a Hester (but not a Diamond):
”Paul Newell Hester (January 8, 1959 – March 26, 2005) was an Australian musician and television personality best known for his work as the drummer for both Split Enz and Crowded House.”

A little creepy; but probably a far more accurate assessment of Newell’s hipness quotient.  

Meanwhile on Grand Street, Shelly’s still pounding out his Mickey Katz brand of klezmer magic (Shelly’s idea of a rocking number is “The Challah Twist”) complete with the Speaker’s patented Barry White-style basso profundo vocalese. And, just to the north, spoiler candidate Luke Henry is playing Johnny Slash to Paul's Marshall Blechtman (obscure reference to "Square Pegs"–theme song by the Waitresses—btw, am I alone in thinking that Sarah Jessica was more attractive as a high school geek than as a fashion plate?).
