Hillary Clinton wows them in Starrett City

In Starrett City, Brooklyn, and in front of a few hundred adoring residents, Hillary Clinton was in fine form today.  She was at a rally, to support the passing of a bill by Democrats in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, which seeks to preserve affordable housing initiatives in the country. Congressman Ed Towns, who has introduced legislation that specifically deals with saving the affordability standards of the Starrett City housing development, was also on hand to speak to the concerned residents. Starrett City is the largest development of its kind in the nation. For the past two years or so, the residents have been embroiled in a battle with the old-owners, who were intent on selling the complex to a group of speculators.

Mrs. Clinton was given a rousing welcome by the mostly female audience, and was fired up as she demanded President Bush sign the bill into law. She spoke well of Barack Obama and his presidential bid, projecting that she was presently a strong supporter of his effort. Standing with her (beside congressman Towns) were Brooklyn’s ebullient Borough President Marty Markowitz, Assemblyman Vito Lopez (the county leader of Brooklyn’s democrats), Congressman Anthony Weiner, plus the district leaders of the 40th AD and some tenant activists of the development. Notably absent was the council member for the area: Charles Barron. 

Congressman Ed Towns -who was also given a warm reception- assured residents that he will stay on top of this “affordability” issue, and that he was always looking out for the interests of the residents of his district. Two years ago, Towns opened an office just on the outskirts of Starrett City (Flatlands Avenue), and has been aggressively addressing the issues and concerns of the residents of this housing complex.

I must admit that Ed has been dressing much better since I introduced him to my barber, a few years ago/LOL. We now have the same hair style by the way. Hillary looked resplendent in her signature pants-suit (red); and Ed was equally “fly” in his brown pin-striped suit. They both spoke at length on housing issues and reiterated their joint commitment to affordable housing. Mrs. Clinton, who will be endorsing Congressman Towns soon (in his re-election battle), spent a long time shaking hands of many residents, and also patiently signing autographs. She was very well received. It is obvious that her stock has shot up -especially amongst female voters- since her presidential primary contest with Barack Obama. The crowd was mixed. There were many blacks, whites and Hispanic residents in attendance. Also notable was the attendance of many Russian-born residents who live in this complex.

Attorney Kenneth S. Evans was also there with some of his supporters, as he campaigns for the vacant assembly seat (40AD) that used to be held by Diane Gordon. Ms. Gordon was convicted in April of attempted bribery -among some other charges. This has left an opening which is being contested by six candidates. I will update you all on that race real soon, since it is getting quite heated.

Also sighted at this event was Brooklyn’s most beautiful black female politician: Jennifer James. Ms. James who is being pushed by many (me included), to run for a city council seat next year, is either working on the re-election campaign of congressman Towns, or is a member of his congressional staff. I am not sure which (or both). Jennifer -being her usual coy self- didn’t give me the exclusive as to what she will do in the near future: so we all have to stay tuned-in folks.

DISCLAIMER: In my last article -“Hillary Clinton comes to Starrett City……”- I inadvertently wrote that Congressman Ed Towns introduced HR. #3221; this is erroneous. The bill that Congressman Towns introduced was HR. #5937; which deals directly with Starrett City and the protections he proposes for that development. PLEASE NOTE. I do apologize for the mix up.