The Vines (#03-08)

I haven’t done a “Vines” column in a while so here goes. And for those who are unfamiliar with these columns, let me reiterate that it is a combination of some serious newsworthy items -that you probably won’t pick up in mainstream media- plus some juicy political gossip, some analysis, some innuendo, some political history, some personalities that you probably won’t hear of again, some predictions, plus any thing else (political) that you wanted to know but was afraid to ask*(especially about Brooklyn). 

Let’s start with NYC council woman Letitia “Tish” James. She is now on her way to becoming Brooklyn’s latest “elected-thug-wannabee”. She needs to know that this “intimidation” shit won’t fly with me on a personal level. I am not afraid of her or any of her fellow electeds. Last month I saw her in the council chambers at City Hall -while we both attended the memorial ceremony for deceased council member James Davis- whereby she deliberately sat next to me, and kept hitting me in the back. She kept making the false charge that I had written libelous things about her. She claims that in my blog column I stated that she was under criminal investigation. You be the judge. The column is dated May 20th, 2008. It is entitled: “Is Council Woman Tish James In Trouble”. Go read it ( It is obvious that her reading and comprehension skills are limited. Could it be that she is an imbecile disguised as an attorney/city council member? 

Then on Friday last Ms. James verbally abused me at a public event for Congressman Ed Towns, which was held at Brooklyn’s Boro Hall. It was when a number of prominent women had come together to endorse Ed Towns for re-election. Ms. James who had been coddling up to the congressman’s opponent (Kevin Powell) for quite a while now (as if we didn’t know), was tactically exposed and forced to publicly endorse the congressman, in order to save face. 

She berated me for the same article earlier listed, and threatened to sue me for libel, slander and defamation of character. To this I can only say: MAKE MY FRIGGIN DAY, TISH; MAKE MY DAY. I will be my own attorney.

Ms. James kept following me around like a stalking mad woman. And with her loudmouth, she displayed the class she lacks. To think that in 2001, I admonished James Davis not to use any of the negative stuff he had dug up in ‘opposition research’ against her, while they both competed for the seat in the 35th district. Some of the stuff is so politically sexplosive that it will not only embarrass her, but also one of her many professional and political mentors; some gratitude. Believe me when I say that I have Tish James stories that could fill a book. But I will rest it here: at least for now. Bring it on Tish; bring it on. You guys really don’t understand the extent to my network. I am like Telephone Company: I have many connections.

Speaking of Ed Towns; do you know that he is the only congressman who had three bills signed into law this month? So when people like Michael “Frenchie” Bouldin of Daily Gotham, tell you stuff about how disappointed they are with Ed, you need to go do your own research. The Park Slope latte-drinking- wannabee-lefties (lol) just don’t like Ed too tough: that’s all. It might be an “ageist” thing. And to think Ed opposed the Iraq war from jump; something that is like the Holy Grail to leftists. And he has also voted against funding the war over and over and again. Even the irascible Gatemouth cannot go against Ed Towns in this upcoming race; what does that tell you about his opponent? It is time for the Frenchman to get aboard the Towns train: it’s leaving the station. LOL.

Talking about thugs: did you hear about Kevin Parker’s latest dust-up? It happened at one of the annual concerts that Marty Markowitz usually throws in Brooklyn. Parker was not allowed to go on stage as a speaker -since he had come too late- and because of this he broke into a childish tirade. Not only was he up in the face of one of the producers, he made a spectacle of himself in front of security personnel and others. I have been briefed about Parker’s embarrassing behavior. I have also been told about Parker’s usage of profanity and threats. The “bad-boy” is still out of control. Believe me when I say it was much worse than this. I am saving the gory details (and other stuff) for some of his defenders; and for another “Parker” column, which I have already entitled: “Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Get Back into the Water”. 

I will offer one shining nugget from Kevin’s recent tirade -since it echoes exactly what he said to the traffic agent he assaulted some time ago- and to me this suggests some serious psychological issues. Kevin Parker again said: “Do you know who the fuck I am?”  

I think the answer to that is: YES. We do know who you are Kevin Parker. You are a man of little or no integrity and you are also a political thug. You are an embarrassment to all electeds and you refuse to grow up and mange your anger issues. You need to grow up all over again. You are an embarrassment to your family now. I know some of your relatives: they are much classier than this. 

Word is that Parker was very angry since one of his opponents (Simcha Felder) was allowed to speak at the concert, addressing the large crowd. After knowing Parker for more than a dozen years now, I can honestly say I believe that this man has major issues in need of address. Someone needs to do an intervention soon, before this man hurts or kills someone.  

Meanwhile Parker is in the fight of his political life as he campaigns for re-election. His opponents -Dr. Kendall Stewart and fellow council member Simcha Felder- are running strong and hard. I don’t believe that Parker deserves re-election, and I don’t expect him to be re-elected. And I hope I don’t run into him at the Dems convention next week in Denver. I will hate to have to be subjected to his all-white outfits; doesn’t he know that Donald Duck never made good fashion statements. 

Relative to the 21st SD race: Yvette Clarke, Una Clarke and their political club gave the endorsement to Kevin Parker. Nick Perry has also endorsed Kevin Parker. Expect lap-dog Mathieu Eugene to follow suit -if he hasn’t done it already. This means that all the Caribbean-American electeds have endorsed against one of the group (Kendall Stewart). I will break that down further in a minute; but before I do, let me explain something about this Caribbean-American label.   

Firstly; let me say that I owe Una Clarke an apology. Let me tell you why. Una has been bragging that her daughter is Caribbean-American, and I have been telling people that Yvette isn’t. We are both right and wrong at the same time. Here is what I mean. My definition of someone who is “Carib” has to do with those born in a country touching the Caribbean Sea. Una follows the “Mario Cuomo” line of reasoning: no matter how many generations removed from Italy, you are still Italian by ancestry (Italian-American); thus Yvette being born to two Jamaican-born US citizens is Caribbean-American. Fine. 

But there is a problem. When Yvette was asked -in an early interview after being elected to Congress- whether or not she was Caribbean-American, her response to the PBS television announcer was: “NO. I AM AFRICAN-AMERICAN”. Look, I am not saying here that Yvette Clarke isn’t proud of her heritage: on the contrary. Yvette is very proud of her Caribbean-American heritage and ancestry (her mother wouldn’t let her be otherwise/lol). It is just that in my humble opinion, she has always seen herself as Afro-American, and in my estimation: rightly so. This miscommunication between mother and daughter needs to be cleared up as soon as possible. 

While I am on the Clarkes, let me make some things perfectly clear; the recent attacks on Yvette for her endorsement of Bill DiBlasio for boro prez (and not Jamaican-born Yvonne Graham) are unfair and hypocritical. The Carib News News recently did an article (Tony Best) wherein it is suggested that many in the Caribbean-American community felt betrayed by Yvette’s early endorsement of DiBlasio. Some of those who critiqued Yvette were elected officials themselves (Caribs), who have done the same darn thing over and over: endorsed other persons against Caribbean-American candidates. They have all done it at some time or the other: all of them. So this is a disingenuous attack on Yvette that is specious at best. I will get to another column to elaborate on this; until then I offer four names: Maurice Gumbs (1984,1986 and 1988), Ed Roberts (1994 and 2004), Rock Hackshaw (1998 and 2000) and Omar Boucher (2002). Go do your research folks.

I wish they would leave the attacks on Yvette and Una to me. You see, whenever I do that it is from an honest place, with no malice but facts. As elected officials, Yvette and Una Clarke have done more to advance the Caribbean-American issues, causes, culture and heritage, than most other electeds -with the possible exception of Waldaba Stewart (former state senator). My beefs with them are mainly in their failure to organize the Carib vote more than anything else. I also perceive a tendency on their parts to ostracize anyone they deem as adversarial.   

In the 55th Assembly District, Caribbean-born businessman Royston Antoine (Uncle Roy) is back on the ballot as he challenges incumbent assembly member Junior Boyland. Roy was initially knocked off by the Board of Elections on some minor technicalities which the Appeals Court overruled on Friday. Uncle Roy unsuccessfully ran for the city council in 2005, and tried but failed to make the ballot in the 55thAD two years ago. He joins Rev. Leonard Hatter in this three way race. Community activist and educator Stanley (Stan) Kinard is managing the campaign of Rev. Hatter -who has also engaged the services of political consultant James Archibald.     

Speaking of ballots; Marlene Tapper (34th AD/Queens) and Cenceria Edwards (56AD/Brooklyn) were both knocked off the ballot on Friday (both are appealing to the courts to get back on). I believe that it is time the FEDS come in and review these decisions that judges -with strong connections to the county political machines- make at the last minute. Since 1986 I have been witnessing these very suspicious decisions being made by inept judges. Something is drastically wrong when a judge claims that a witness who obviously and blatantly perjured herself on the stand is credible. This happened in Ms. Edwards’s case (I told you about it last week). This isn’t funny anymore. 

Back to Brownsville where the shit has gone too far; on the ballot next month you will see Junior Boyland running for both assembly member and the male district leader; and then you will see his wife (who some claim has no real connections to the district) on the ballot for female district leader. It’s a family affair folks: it’s a family affair. Are we really to believe that only the Boylands should represent this district over the past half a century or so? PLEASE!

Speaking of family affairs: there is pushback to Charles Barron running his wife to replace disgraced politician Diane Gordon (40th AD); some people are saying that he went too far with this. Truth is that Inez is an activist in her own right and has paid enough dues to run for office. The problem is however that she refuses to carve out her political independence and as such she is probably going to be a Charles-clone. One of her opponents (Ken Evans) believes that if she is elected, the only change in the district will be moving from Charles Barron, to Charles-Barron-lite; and he surely doesn’t see that as good for the community.  What do you folks think? Tell Cousin Rocky in the thread to this column.

Speaking of Charles; he attacked Governor David Paterson recently for proposed budget cuts, which Charles feels are unfair to the poor, and also to blacks and other minorities. Why do I get the feeling whenever Charles talks nowadays, that it seems like a gramophone record stuck in the same place. For someone as intelligent as Charles is, he sure knows how to destroy political currency in a hurry. His imminent political demise will be a classic example of how not to be a rebel without pause. 

Furthermore Charles Barron is intent on running his former chief of staff Paul Washington as his replacement next year. Term limits will surely test many council districts, as current members try to run their husbands, wives, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, cronies, cousins and/or friends next year. I could only hope that voters are paying attention to these machinations.  

Speaking of David Paterson; he is surely likeable isn’t he? He is one of those lucky politicians who somehow always seem to pull the Houdini-like escape, whenever he is in political trouble. One thing he needs to know is that luck is a lady, and like most women: she is moody. So be careful Davey-boy. 

If you have been following the Olympic Games you must have seen the greatest performance ever in the history of the 100 meters sprint running race; it was done by Jamaican born Usain Bolt. The “Lightning Bolt” as he is fondly referred to, won the race easily, with a Trinidad born (Thompson) runner coming in second –just as I predicted. I also told them that Trinidad will get a medal in the men’s 4×100 relay. Since then however, one of our key runners (Brown) has sustained an injury; anyway I will stick to my prediction, since someone from the 400 meter team should step in to fill the bill. Back in the islands -from where I came- these games are something we live for. Four years from now (God’s willing) I expect to go to England for the next Olympic games; the hope is that one of my nieces will be a member of team USA. I can’t wait.  

Back to politics and speaking of games, I have lost all respect for assembly woman Annette Robinson -and the games played by her campaign- in seeking to remove Ms. Cenceria Edwards from the ballot. Whenever one is willing to intimidate, cajole, suborn perjury, or bribe people, in order to subvert the democratic way, I think that is disgraceful; and that’s what supporters of hers did. Ms. Robinson should have publicly admonished her supporters to stay away from their thuggery, and also from all the boorish behaviors to which Ms. Edwards was subjected. I name Annette Robinson “the worst elected official in Brooklyn” after what happened here: the buck always stops with the candidate. 

Ms. Edwards is appealing the court verdict, and expects to be on the ballot come September 9th, 2008.  She was out in force yesterday, campaigning with her workers and volunteers all across the district. She could be seen at various block parties and public events (Caribbean-American Fair/Atlantic Avenue). Ms. Edwards is a real trooper, and she is determined like hell to unseat this anachronistic incumbent. I wish her all the luck in the world for that endeavor.

Of the candidates for next year’s Boro Prez race (Brooklyn), the latest entrant -former Deputy Borough President Yvonne Graham- recently showed the remarkable ability of raising a lot money in a short space of time. The latest campaign finance filing-deadline showed her making tremendous strides, as she tries to play catch-up with the field. NYC Council members Bill DiBlasio, Dominick Rechia and Charles Barron; Senators Krueger, Montgomery and Adams; Assembly members Nick Perry and Darryl Towns; District Leader Lori Knipel; and political activist and educator Chris Owens, are among the many names that have been bandied about as potential candidates for this race -at some time or other. So far, only DiBlasio, Barron and Graham, seem set on moving their campaigns forward and beyond the speculative stage. Time is running out for all the others aforementioned; and also for any other possible entrant. 

Barron -an early entrant- had a whopping two thousand dollars (in fact less) in his war chest, after being a candidate for more than a year. His inability (so far) to raise money will be a serious drawback to his run, and may become a hindrance or fatal setback. When he tried to run for mayor in 2005, his inability to raise money was also one of the main reasons why he dropped out that race. Ms. Graham -who was born in the West Indies (Jamaica) – has raised close to a quarter million dollars, in less than six months since registering her committee. If history is to be made by electing Brooklyn’s first black Boro Prez (and also the first female), then other blacks (like Barron) will have to do some serious introspection, to determine the viability of their campaigns -given the cost of a viable campaign in today’s dollars. This upcoming race will expose the selfishness of many black electeds. I could only hope that serious voters take note and pay attention. In my columns, I intend to expose the selfishness at every opportunity. So far it seems that only Nick Perry is willing to sacrifice for a greater good. Nick is expected to withdraw from the race and throw his support behind Ms. Graham. The last time he withdrew from a race and supported someone else, that person (Yvette Clarke) was elected to Congress. Can Nick make it a double? Tell Cousin Rocky what you think folks. 

Some of my insurgent friends are saying that since this is the first time in all these years that Ed Towns hired me to work on his campaign, then it must be because Ed didn’t want me on the blogs making mischief (against him) in a vulnerable year. Look folks, as I said before: Ed Towns is by far the better candidate here. This is a ground ball; this is a no-brainer: Kevin Powell isn’t fit to go to Congress. It is that simple. Plus I genuinely like Ed, and I have always had a relationship with him whereby I tell it like I see it. So have no doubt that my political independence is not compromised in any significant way. Anyone who read my column of last week (Ken Evans) can see that. In that column I took both Towns and Barron to task.

Let me say this loud and clear: Congressman Ed Towns is my friend. I will help him in his re-election effort and in any political endeavor that doesn’t compromise me. I have no regrets. As an elected official, he is much better than what most of the wannabees are willing to give him credit for. As for his CAFTA vote, I agree one hundred percent. All who criticize that vote are duplicitous. You see, you can’t have it both ways; you are either for free trade or you are a protectionist. A lot of Ed’s critics have no clue in terms of understanding economics (especially capitalism). 

In the 45th Council district I have been told that there are over twenty runners to replace the term-limited Kendall Stewart next year. Yesterday I saw someone who would have made a fine entrant (but isn’t running). That someone was the former school board member: Ms. Julia James. I have worked with Julia in politics, and I have also worked with her on a board of directors of a non-profit corporation in the district. Julia James is a certified public accountant with lots of lots of energy and smarts. Too bad she seems to be leaving politics for academia. Sure she is tough as nails, but that’s a pre-requirement for success in today’s political world isn’t it?

At this point -in that race- Sam Taitt, Terry Hinds, Wellington Sharpe, Earlene King, Vaughn Toney, Jumanee Williams, Dr. McKenzie, Mr. Russell and Mr. Daly, have all started preparations for a difficult contest. Taitt is the favorite going in but the others are intent on upsetting him. There are other names being circulated, and I will get back to them and to this race before Thanksgiving. 

State Senator Eric Adams (20th SD) is unopposed this year, after successfully knocking off perennial challenger Guillermo (Bill Philpot) from the ballot, earlier this month. Also unopposed are Senator John Sampson (19th SD), Senator Velmanette Montgomery (18th SD), Rev. Karim Camara (43rd AD), Hakeem Jeffries (57th AD), Lori Knipel (44th AD/female district leader), Yvette Clarke (11th Congressional) and Nick Perry (58th AD). Nick hasn’t had a challenge in a decade, so it seems that I will have to gear up to challenge him in two years. (LMAO/Nick: that was a joke; so stop panicking). 

And speaking of Nick Perry, I happened to finally get to talk to him by phone recently after numerous attempts to reach him about the Boro Prez race. He confided that whenever I beat up on him in my blog, people will fax the columns to him. He swears he hasn’t been up on the blogs lately to see what I have been writing about. I am still not sure if I believe that. Either way I can’t recall that I ever beat up on Nick; can you? 

BTW: I think Nick (a wannabee singer) had a shotgun marriage folks. I think he took his shotgun and put it to his wife’s head, and forced her to marry him. There is no way such a beautiful woman as Joyce Perry could just marry such an unhandsome guy as Nick without duress. LOL. (Ok, that was my ration of one joke for the week/geeze/indulge me -a wannabee comedian). 

In the 43rd AD incumbent district leader Jesse Hamilton is facing a challenge from Geoffrey Davis. Surprisingly enough Geoffrey was missing in action lately, as he went away (South) in order to conduct some business for the James Davis Foundation (Stop the Violence). This could cost him the race folks. He has to realize that he is the under dog here and not the favorite. Whoever advised him to make this trip -at this time- needs to be fired. 

While in the 43rd AD, let’s give a ‘get well soon’ shout out to the former female district leader there: Joan Gill. She is one of the few people I really really love, admire and respect in Brooklyn politics. It seems that I always run in to someone who knows Joan; and recently while attending a candidate’s forum in the East New York, I met someone who spoke highly of her. Joan Gill is good people.  

People are saying that Michele Adolphe will have to put up or shut up, now that she has Rhoda Jacobs one on one. In my recent column about the race, it was apparent from the comments that many people think I see Ms. Jacobs as an enemy; they are wrong. I have never viewed her in these terms. I don’t view anyone in those terms. Ms. Jacobs has every right to run, win and hold the seat she has been in for the past 30 years or so; irregardless of the demographics. The main point that I tried to make in the thread, was that the almost 100 per cent voting support that Ms. Jacobs has received in some EDs over this time, can only be explained by race, ethnicity or religion. There is no way that an incumbent in office for so long, can maintain that level of voting support (against ANY candidate opposing her), unless these three factors are prominent and dominant.  

I also raised the issue that to my knowledge in NYC, there has never been a district (fed/state or city/local) wherein the population was over 50% white, whereby the residents have voted in a non-white person to represent it. In black and Hispanic districts (over 50%), many whites have been voted into office over the years. People seem to deny the existence of race no matter how much you show them; and I will continue to expose this wherever I can. This denial is hurting us in this state (and in this country) more than too many care to admit. You have to acknowledge a problem first, before you can start working on fixing the problem next. 

There seems to be quite a few folks eyeing Mathieu Eugene’s city council seat (40th) folks; I am not the only one. I have been telling potential candidates that I am not going to get into a “crabs in the barrel” situation, no matter how much I feel that I am the best candidate for the position. As I have said before: I will be making a decision by New Year’s Eve. Do you think the Clarke’s (Yvette and Una) will support me? I have heard from impeccable sources that they aren’t too thrilled with their hand-picked replacement (Mathieu Eugene). And can Wonk (and others) work on bringing around the gay political groups to support me; despite my opposition to same sex marriage?  Tell Cousin Rocky what you think folks: I have a decision to make shortly. Many people want me to run; sometimes I wonder if it is because they want me to get my ass whipped (again). LOL.

Some people are saying that Rev. Taharka Robinson has been overzealous in defending his mother Annette Robinson, as she faces a spirited challenge to her seat in the state assembly. They say that Taharka has been intimidating people who signed the petitions for Ms. Edwards -the woman challenging his mother. Some are also saying that he was threatening to the subscribing witnesses on Ms. Edwards’s petitions; some others see him as menacing and offensive. They all think he has crossed the lines of political decency and propriety. Some are considering going to the Brooklyn District Attorney in order to lodge a formal complain against his political tactics. In defense of Taharka somewhat (since he is sure capable of defending himself), let me just say that he has always advocated very hard for any client he engaged; thus I am not surprised at his aggressive display in this race; after all it is his mother. I suggest the same standard for Taharka as any political operative (myself included); and I direct this missive to him and to my other political counterparts as well: stay within the bounds of the law. PLEASE. 

Democracy is not well served by those whose political tactics demonstrate a win at all costs mindset; all this could lead to, is the type of behaviors the USA has more or less been spared, in its history of elections and electioneering. In some countries, violence is common place come election time. We don’t need to go down these roads: candidates must constrain their eager and loyal supporters or else we all hurt in the long run. The experience(s) of Ms. Edwards, in this her rookie political season, is not something that anyone should have to face. I could only hope that Mrs. Robinson, her son, and their supporters, are reading this column, and understanding the implications of what I am saying. Taharka was on the road to becoming a model for any young recalcitrant aiming to rebuild their image; I could only hope he doesn’t fall off the program.      

Can any of you elected officials who read this blog, do me a favor similar to the one State Senator Tom Duane did for Room Eight New York Politics ( recently? Last week he submitted legislation to protect bloggers from the intimidation(s) and extravagance(s) of runaway DAs -like Robert Johnson in the Bronx. I need one of you to put in a bill to protect me as a blogger (personally), from some of your colleagues -who are after me. At least when I saw State Senator Bill Perkins (Harlem) at City Hall recently, he had the grace, charm and humor, to laugh with me about my recent article of his manhandling Yvette Clarke at the Obama press conference; many others are not so witty and understanding.

I have heard from good sources that most of the black electeds despise me for my columns here. Although I consider council member Dr. Kendall Stewart and State Senator John Sampson as personal friends for many years now; and although assembly member Darryl Towns was friendly recently (as usual) -and both Eric Adams and Hakeem Jeffries I consider political friends, since I have always supported their political efforts- I am left to consider that the average black elected official (especially the ones in Brooklyn) don’t take my columns lightly and are pissed at me; based on what I have been told. As a self-protective mechanism, I am now forced to turn up the heat on them. Let me apologize in advance for any bruised egos and such, which may be casualties of my new direction. Expect in future that my pen (typewriter) will be descending heavily on their collective incompetence and ineffectiveness. 

Last month, political operative Darryl Smart and I went down to Miami, and we had the opportunity of driving up the coast to visit Maurice Gumbs -who has retired to that state. Gumbs was a sharp as ever in his political analysis that Brooklyn’s politics still stinks: even in the post-Clarence Norman era.  He informed us that he has done some volunteer work for Barack Obama’s primary campaign, and intends to do more for the upcoming general election. Beyond that, he is writing, trying to stay healthy, exercising often, eating well and traveling the world. He looks well and is doing well. He told me to give his regards to all the folks from back in the day; so you are now served. We reminisced about some of his political battles and his eyes lit up like a candle fly at sunset. 

Recently I did a few columns on next year’s mayoral race, which has drawn some phone calls from some strangers. I still think that Andrew Cuomo should throw his hat into the mayoral race next year. I believe that he can win it all. We need someone in City Hall who can be counseled by his father -who is surely much wiser now that he has left the governor’s mansion- as to the best decisions for the city at a crucial time in our history. Am I the only one thinking this way?

Is there something wrong with a blogger working professionally as a political operative? I think not. However, many folks seem to be trying to make hay of the fact that I have always done a lil consulting/ advising work during the political season; and while writing my blog. I think it is all so hypocritical. During the off season I write the same columns on my blog; so why should it be different in the regular season? As long as I declare my conflicts of interest I think I am fine. So to all my detractors who are somewhat disappointed that I am not supporting Kevin Powell: GET OVER IT.  

Many people seem to forget that a political race is always about choosing between contestants; sometimes the choices are great and other times they are not. Either way, democracy demands that we make the hard choices every time. If you don’t like the choices then enter yourself into the fray.    

I am going to predict that unless NY politicians do some serious rethinking of “business as usual”, that this state is in for hard times over the next decade. I mean this in terms of economics, employment, health, business, education, housing, crime and other quality of life issues. We are in bad shape folks, and we need imaginative leaders to set us on the correct path to reform and proper decision-making. In NYC the problems are even more acute given our density of population and the corrupt state of politics here.  SIDEBAR: On Wednesday 20th August,2008, at 7:30p.m. there will be a candidate’s forum for the 21st Senatorial District. All three candidates are expected to attend (Parker, Stewart and Felder). It takes place in the gymnasium of the Methodist Church on Glenwood Road, near Nostrand Avenue, in Flatbush, Brooklyn (3114 Glenwood Road). This is located between 31st and 32nd Streets. It will be televised.

Next week I am off to the Dems convention; hopefully I will find it exciting (but I doubt that). At least I will have Gatemouth for entertainment and/or amusement. Let’s hope his credit cards are working; all of mine are tapped out. And I might just get to hang out with Liza Sabater and Michael Bouldin: the first (and only) round of drinks is on me folks: I am not flushed with cash at this moment/lol. Are Chris Owens and Errol Louis also going to the convention? BTW: I need a body guard -and the DNC should approve this request. ROFL. 

Stay tuned-in.