More About Mike’s Crazy Virginia Friends

In my earlier posts expressing amazement that Mike Bloomberg takes seriously the wackos in Virginia, otherwise known as that the Independent Green Party, I focused on the fact that the Indy Greens don’t think there’s anything strange about supporting both Mike Bloomberg and Chuck Baldwin, an anti-abortion, pro-gun  right-wing nutcase.


I did, take at face value, the assertion by the Indy Greens that they gathered the impressive total of 70,000 signatures for the Bloomberg “campaign”


Now it turns out that the Indy Greens 70,000 signatures story was a lie.


Here’s the scoop from Richard Winger, the country’s leading expert on 3rd parties –


The reports that the Independent Green Party of Virginia got 70,000 signatures on its presidential petition are also wrong. The party got 70,000 raw signatures for all its candidates put together. Virginia requires separate petitions for each candidate, so the 70,000 figure was arrived at by totaling the party’s presidential petition, its U.S. Senate petition, and its various petitions for U.S. House.