Sarah Eagleton (Updated again)

At dinner tonight to celebrate my son’s 5½ birthday and his start of kindergarten in the morning (the Dybbuk asked to be taken for sushi), I came up with this title, but the onslaught of upcoming events, including the dreaded return to work, prevented me from posting the idea before someone else already had.

So, "Sarah Eagleton", the numbers:

299 google entries

generating 61, once similar entries are eliminated

Number related to the Governor’s current condition: 4

Today’s interesting stories: once having belonged to a group advocating Alaskan independence (apparently now disputed) and lawyering up for the Troopergate investigation (please no jokes about whether Client #9 is the daddy!).

Any bets on tomorrow’s numbers?

Who wants to start a pool predicting how many days she has left?

There’s a storm brewing, and its name ain’t Gustav.

UPDATE–9/3/08 9:56 PM

"Sarah Eagleton", 1680 google entries

generating 94, once similar entries are eliminated

Number related to the Governor’s current condition: 37

Good News for Palin: While there are 4,070 (up from 2,510 yesterday) google entries for "Sarah Palin Nude", most lead to a picture of Julia Louis-Dreyfuss (Despite my partisanship, I regard this as good news as well–and quite a bonus for my diligent research concerning that despicable rumor).