Barack Obama: Caught Up In The Issue That Just Won’t Go Away

I was backstage at the convention when Obama gave his speech. I was watching him live all the way; he was probably about 50 yards from where I stood. It was an awesome moment for me (and probably anyone for that matter). One of my friends -who had crashed the floor- came back to the media area and was standing with me when Barack touched on the abortion issue. I whispered in her ear: “I hope he doesn’t dwell on this damn issue”. She agreed. We were both surprised (pleasantly) when he didn’t dwell on it. But he stayed on it long enough to shoot himself in the leg (again/on this issue). 

This issue (abortion) seems to be problematic for Barack; and as a supporter I can only hope that it doesn’t add to his nagging “race” problem in this contest. In the New Hampshire presidential primary, Hillary Clinton used this issue of abortion to steal the primary at the last second. She totally fudged his abortion record, to spook pro-choice female democrats. It got them to come out in droves for her (around 61%); giving her a razor tight edge. 

When the Obama campaign got wind of what was happening -during the last week of the election- they went as far as trotting out the head of the N.H. Planned Parenthood on mainstream media (MSM). The woman stated that contrary to the robot-calls, flyers, mailings, live-body phone calls, door to door whisper-campaign, and such: Barack Obama was pro-choice and not anti-abortion. I don’t think it helped much, since the dye was already cast. 

This came about because Barack had voted “present” on many bills relative to abortion and reproductive health issues, while he was a member of the Illinois legislature. He has said many times, that it was all part of his overall strategy -in order to reach compromises with Republicans- while trying to enact troublesome legislation. I believe him, since there isn’t much evidence to the contrary. 

But where is Barack’s heart on this issue? We know his head is “pro-choice”, but his words at times leave me with the distinct impression that he is ambiguous on this issue in some way. Further; as a person who has struggled all his life with the “missing-father syndrome” (read his books), it is easy to suspect that abortion has caused him cerebral pain. 

For example, last Father’s Day Barack Obama said, that he believes “life starts at conception”. Wow! This is a tough place to be when you are supposedly pro-choice. Why? Because you leave yourself open to an attack from the right: that you are technically condoning “murder” with your pro-choice position. To many who struggle with this issue, the safest position-take is that life starts when the fetus is viable (alone) outside the mother’s womb. That’s why many agree with the trimester separations of the Roe v. Wade decision, as articulated by Justice Blackmun in his 1970 decision. 

But Justice Blackmun never said that abortions can be done anytime and/or anyplace. He placed some restrictions and some limits: both of which are of time and circumstance. Why did he do this? Think about that. It shows that somewhere in the mix of this abortion issue, there are contradictions about life; and viability of fetuses (and their right to life at some point in time?) Most pro-lifers who are unqualified in their positions tend to ignore this aspect, as implied in the 1970 decision. 

To other pro-choicers, the better place to be (intellectually) is where you accept that a fetus is simply tissue; totally dependent on a host for its survival, and that the host handles the ultimate decision(s) of acceptance or rejection; and the right to accept or reject the fetus resides entirely with the host (female) and her medical providers. Many pro-choicers are more comfortable (intellectually) in this position. 

Then in his acceptance speech, Barack Obama talked about reducing abortions. He should have never gone there. You see, when pro-life supporters try to qualify their position, they only dig deeper intellectual/philosophical holes for themselves and their position. If you see something wrong with abortions -that you are willing to work to reduce them- then say to the world, what is wrong with it; say why you are willing to reduce the number. Truth is -if you are honest- you may have to get to a place you don’t want to get to.

If it is a woman’s right to choose -and if you are firm in your decision- then the reason why she chooses to abort, is not up for scrutiny or second-guessing, under any condition or circumstance. Neither is her timing with the decision (forget the laws for a minute as you embrace this).

A few months ago Barack complicated this issue even further. He said that should either (or both/ I assume) of his two daughters got pregnant as teenagers, he would want them to have the legal abortion option available. He said that he didn’t want them “punished” by having to make a baby at that age/stage of their lives. This word (punished) is going to come back and bite him before this campaign is over; watch.

It is apparent to me that the circumstances surrounding Barack’s birth have caused him angst on this issue. Barack’s mother was also a teenager when she was pregnant with him. Plus it was a black and white situation, at a time when racial issues dominated the American landscape. Remember this: Barack Obama was born in 1961; this was six years before the Supreme Court determined it was legal for blacks and whites to be married in Virginia (and the nation), with its decision in the landmark case: Loving v. Virginia /1967. 

Also remember that nine years after his birth, abortions became legal (Roe v. Wade/1970) all over the country. Prior to this, it wasn’t easy to obtain an abortion unless you had some means and/or resources, and also depending on the state and county in which you lived. Did Barack have conversations with his mom as to what was her mindset around the time she was pregnant with him? Is he happy -as a former fetus- to be here; and poised to be the first mulatto president in the USA? 

Only Barack Obama knows his own inner turmoil over this abortion issue. Maybe one day he will enlighten us further. 

Stay tuned-in.