Tuesday’s Primaries: Some Endorsements, Predictions & Some Stone Cold Political Gossip, For All You Political Crackheads/LOL

Let’s start with a couple congressional races first. In the 13th Congressional (Staten Island/ Brooklyn) I am going to endorse Steve Harrison. I feel strongly that he is much more progressive a candidate than NYC councilman Michael McMahon; the current climate calls for one. Plus, I feel that McMahon will vote to prolong the Iraq War, and that’s the last thing we need from a member of the New York City delegation (or any delegation for that matter). I could only hope that the winner of this primary moves on to win this seat from the currently repugnant Republicans in November. Given Vito Fossella’s recent fall from grace, it should be easy pickings for Dems here. Truth be told: I expect McMahon to win this primary; but I can’t endorse him over Harrison.

In the 10th congressional, I emphatically endorse the re-election of Congressman Ed Towns. I have written extensively on this race over this past summer. All I will say now is that his opponent (Kevin Powell) is an apology for a congressional candidate. He has probably run the worse campaign in this district since Frank Seddio (1992) and Roger Green (2006). He flattered to deceive (again).  Towns will win with relative ease.  

As usual I focus on Brooklyn; and I do apologize to all my non-Brooklyn fans from the Denver convention. Truth be told: Brooklyn has been my stomping grounds for the past 35 years. Let’s start with a senate race in the 21st district. Another Kevin is going down. It is Kevin Parker. And I will take bets if Charles Hynes turns a blind eye/lol. This poster child for bad-behavior (Parker) ran the worst campaign of his three term tenure -this time around. I have no idea why. Maybe he intends to comeback for the city council seat (45) next year. The truth is that race already has twenty potential runners. Or maybe he thinks he can win in November on the line of the Working Families Party (WFP). To that, I can only say: no way, Jose. I am going to endorse the winner of this primary, the very next day. Watch.

Today, I have to endorse Kendall Stewart here. He was the only district leader to endorse me when I ran for the state assembly ten years ago; I will reciprocate (again) right here and now. Kendall ran a spirited race here, and my heart is with him all the way. He put his posters on MTA buses (like Uncle Roy Antoine did in 2005), and he never stopped trying to win this race -despite recent setbacks. My head (however) tells me that Simcha Felder will win this race. Simcha has run a tremendous race on all levels. He has a crack operative in Phil Goldfeder (campaign manager) running things. Don’t be surprised if this kid (Phil) is ranked amongst the top political operatives in New York within the next five years or so. A whole lot of people have come around to my original view that both black candidates will split up the black vote; thus giving Felder the breaks he needs to get the victory. If Felder wins he will be fine for this heavily Caribbean-American district. I also expect him to caucus with democrats in the senate.

Before I move on, let me say that I have word that assembly member Camara, state senator Eric Adams, and Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, will all be challenged next time around. I am sworn to secrecy by longtime friends in this game. It’s a plan on the move. It isn’t me (I AM NOT RUNNING); it didn’t originate with me; I didn’t organize it; I am not part of it; I have no interest in these things. But I was told: so now I am telling the world (without calling names); as I was allowed to do by my sources (with limits). And it is not a Carib thing either. 

In Denver, many elected officials seemed to be intrigued by my political sources. They seemed to want to know, where and how I get my info. Truth is: I dream up some of the stuff/LOL. Look, I have been around for a long long time (35 years in NYC to be exact), and I started in politics at a very young age. I do have lots of political friends. Some of them love me like crazy; others tolerate me/lol. But I get good info; and don’t forget that. 

While I was in Denver, I asked Yvette to call me once she got back to NY. This was the info I had for her (a challenge next time out). As to my friend Eric Adams; if he is going to run for boro prez next year, he has to move now. The train is leaving the station. I am only inches away from making a decision to support someone already declared (Yvonne Graham). Your meter is running Eric, my friend.

In the 40th city council district, Grenada-born community and political activist Gerry Hopkins, is still contemplating a challenge to Mathieu Eugene. Hopkins is an articulate progressive who will make a fine candidate. That race -like its twin (45) – is getting crowded real fast. Community board member Leithland Tulloch is supposedly running again, as is Zenobia McNally, Pierre Romain, Yvon Alexis, and a young female Haitian-American attorney -who is already going door to door with her campaign for next year’s race. I haven’t been able to lock down her name as yet; but I will shortly. There is some speculation about Joel Toney in this race, since he was seen at the Campaign Finance Board headquarters earlier this year. His nephew (Vaughn Toney) is supposedly running in the race for the 45th council district. Some are saying that if Michele Adolphe loses to Rhoda Jacobs next week, that she will enter the 40th council race next year. BTW: where is Keith Dawson when you need him? LMAO. And what about Harry Schiffman?

Condolences are extended to the family of Amir Ackbar, the Jamaican-born Caribbean-American political activist, who passed away on 8/21/08, after a brief illness. I had the pleasure of working with him on a couple of political campaigns, and found him to be a conscientious brother with a Pan-African vision. May he rest in peace. 

In the 25 SD, I can’t endorse or choose between Martin Connor (incumbent) and Daniel Squadron. I have no idea as to who will win this race. Many people are telling me it will be Squadron, but I am always leery of long-term incumbents and their penchant for survival. Same for the 64th AD. As much as I think that Assembly speaker Shelly Silver needs to hit the showers for good, I suspect that he will survive. I will endorse Paul Newell for whatever that’s worth peeps. I can cross my fingers can’t I? LOL.

In the 40th assembly race, the word is that district leader Earl Williams is the favorite and not Inez Barron (the wife of Councilman Charles Barron). However Kenneth Evans has run a decent race, and has put himself in a spot to pull off an upset. In this race, one of my columns (my blog) was used as a mailer. This isn’t the first time that has happened in Brooklyn politics over the past two years folks. LOL. 

I am told that Earl Williams was hit with tough questions about his age (around 72), and also about his health (at least two heart procedures), at a recent forum. I am told that Earl bristled at the questions and didn’t answer them well. I will not be surprised if Inez Barron wins, since she is the only woman in the race, and also given that she will enjoy some piggy-backing from her husband and his dwindling supporters/fan base. Today, I sure hope she doesn’t win, since she will obviously be a caricature of her disappointing husband. 

In this race I emphatically endorse Ken Evans for the seat. He is by far the best candidate here. It isn’t even close. He brings the most experience in public policy to the table; also the most experience in terms of political activism; also the longest tenure as a community activist, and the best academic credentials too. He is an attorney and also a health-care expert. Ken should be sent to Albany if only to stop this budding Barron dynasty.  People of this district should vote for change and not vote for a name (only). 

In the 55th AD, I expect a Boyland sweep (sorry Stan Kinard). The opposition to the three positions that the Boyland name fills, ran a disappointing campaign and will not be rewarded for their bullshit campaign. It is unfortunate; but as I always say, I give it up straight: with no chaser.  

In the 56th AD, incumbent Annette Robinson should be ashamed for what happened in this race. Her opponent (attorney Cenceria Edwards) has been dragged through the mud since June. The Appeals Court finally returned her to the ballot this past Wednesday. The court said that she should have never been removed in the first place; one of these days the feds will come into Brooklyn and clean up this mess that they call politics. When the Board of Elections places someone on the ballot it shouldn’t be this easy for inept judges to remove them. This is a travesty. And upon all this (where she had to spend around twenty thousand dollars in legal costs), Ms. Edwards had stones thrown through her window (twice), and human excrement (shit) placed on her doorstep, and in her yard. Her subscribing witnesses were also intimidated, and some attempts were made to bribe them. 

I am going to endorse Ms. Cenceria Edwards in this race. It is time for a change in Bed-Stuy. The Vann-Robinson tandem has outlived its usefulness. Ms. Edwards has shown the tenacity of a fighter. I am sure she will serve Bed-Stuy well. Unfortunately she has very little time to get her campaign back on track. I will be surprised if she pulls this off, but I am surely rooting for her to spring a major major upset. 

In the 43rd AD, there is a race taking place for male district leader. Geoffrey Davis (the brother of deceased NYC councilman James Davis) is challenging the incumbent: Attorney Jesse Hamilton. This had the shaping of a good race, but it seems that Geoffrey (from all reports) didn’t work hard enough to pull off an upset. I am told that he had to attend to a lot of the day to day business of the James Davis Foundation (a non-profit “Stop the Violence” organization) which he administers with his mother Thelma Davis. These responsibilities involved lots of out of state travels this summer. I will be surprised if Geoffrey wins. I will not endorse in this race: they are both friends of mine. When it is over, I hope they both sit down and come to terms with each other; no matter who the winner is. I don’t mind brokering that meeting folks. 

In the 42nd AD, word is that Michelle Adolphe is running uphill all the way. Truth is that Adolphe can pull an upset against incumbent Rhoda Jacobs, since the demographics are definitely in her favor. I can’t seem to find many objective analysts to review this race with me; and those who I talk to, expect Ms. Jacobs to prevail. I haven’t lived in this district for three years now, so it’s harder now for me to get the real pulse of things going on here. I have been too busy to track down more sources/info, and/or some of my supporters in here. Let’s just sit back and see what happens on Tuesday. If Ms. Adolphe wins it will come as a surprise to most people; myself included. I don’t think she executed enough of the elements needed for a victory (given my briefings). Still, I do wish her luck as one fellow Caribbean to another. Rhoda Jacobs is a decent lady, but time has come for new political leadership in the district.

There are a few other district leader races taking place in Brooklyn. In the 57th AD, Walter Moseley (son of the venerable community activist Marilyn Moseley) seems poised to upset the Bill Saunders. If there is an upset in Brownsville it will probably be in one of the leadership races. In the 56th AD, Ms. Cenceria Edwards is also running for female leader folks; so if you want to send a signal: you know what to do; vote for her. In the 40th AD, there is a race for female leader that pits Carol Faison (incumbent) against longtime East New York resident Mrs. Faulkner, and also a woman (supposedly from the Barron camp) named Alice Lowman. I will pass on predicting that one, or on giving up an endorsement. 

Again in the 40th AD, the male leadership race pits Ken Evans against Earl Williams (again). Also in the race is Al Scott (a former Barron ally who has long since departed the Barron plantation), and Andre Mitchell -a former Barron staffer. I again endorse Ken Evans here.

In Queens, Hiram Montserrat has won the senate seat vacated by John Sabini (13SD). His nemesis Marlene Tapper was knocked off the ballot by the court (34AD). This means that Michael Dendekker is going to be the new assembly member for that district -replacing a retired (and tired) Ivan Lafayette. Dendekker’s wife is the scheduler for Congressman Crowley of Queens/ Bronx. They do play it close within the Queens County organization, don’t they? Marlene will be back I am sure; she is tenacious.

It looks like Congressman Meeks has a race/challenge (or does he?). I expect him to prevail easily. Speaking of congressmen; my little birdies tell me that three of the congressmen whose districts touches Queens, don’t live in their respective districts. Just telling you what I have heard cousins; just keeping you in the gossip. Remember what I heard about Lafayette (which I shared with you a few months ago); next thing he withdrew from the race; no? What was up with that Connecticut rumor? Was it just a rumor; or was it a fact? Tell Cousin Rocky what you think. Use the comment section of this blog/column.

It also looks like Allan Jennings is giving incumbent senator Shirley Huntley a run for her money (10th SD). Allan -who has always been a pain in county’s ass- is running a hard race against the woman who replaced Ada Smith. He was endorsed by the DC37 union. However the opposition is putting out some real dirty literature against him. It isn’t nice. It may save Shirley’s broken down ass. 

Rumor has it that Leroy Comrie will skip the Queens boro prez race next year, in order to support the county’s choice: Audrey Pheffer (from Far Rockaway). I am told that Leroy’s mama called him and told him to take a deputy boro prez job -instead of running against county. Also in that race is Peter Vallone jnr. Word is that one of Peter’s brothers will seek to replace him in the city council. If they succeed it will mean that three different Vallones would have held down that seat, for the past thirty years or so. 

My Queens sources are telling me that Assemblyman Michael Gennaris is going to run for city council, and that he expects the Queens county machine to support him for speaker. What are the Harlem boys going to do about this rumor? For the speakership, you know they have been pushing Inez Dickens like a pound of weed. I would love to see Inez get the job -she is a very likeable lady as far as I am concerned- but word is that Denny Farrell is leaving Albany, to come down to the council in order to challenge for the same position. Isn’t two a crowd; especially from Harlem and its uptown suburbs? 

In the Bronx, Pedro Espada can upset Efrain Gonzales -who is under indictment. The Espadas have done it before. Rumor has it that community activist Anthony Curry will be running for city council next year. (Tony: you need to call me homey; I am not mad at ya). Word out of Co-Op City is that is that Larry Seabrook will run his daughter, to replace him in the city council, once he is term-limited next year. I saw council woman Helen Foster (and her father) in Denver. I asked her if she will do the boro prez race next year. She took my card and promised to call me. When I know, I will tell you folks. 

In upper Manhattan, I am endorsing incumbent Adriano Espillat against Miguel Martinez. (72AD). I hardly endorse incumbents, but everything I hear about Espillat I like. Back in the Bronx; let me shout out Assemblyman Michael Benjamin -who claims to be a fan of my column. Have a good day sir.

And stay tuned-in peeps. Do vote. Democracy isn’t a spectator sport.