Governor Paterson’s Statement

The Governor cited former New York State Governors and Presidents FDR and TR on the value of service and compassion. He praised the personal example of service both candidates have provided in their lives, and said that it shows service is bipartisan. He talked about the spirit of service in New York.  And he said the Office of Community Service in New York State will become a cabient level position.

As the resident number nerd here on Room Eight, I'd like to call your attention to this report.  It is an attempt to measure the extent of voluntary community service among Americans, and the factors that add to or detract from willingness to serve.  One table has the percent volunteering and intensity in hours for the top 50 metros.  By one measure, the NY metro area was 48th of the top 50 metros in volunteering.  In hours, it was 49th.  Ahead of Las Vegas.