It’s time to chill: I am suffering from political priapism.

Earlier this week, I was confronted once again by the demons of blogdom; this time around, I found them to be both disappointing and tiring (see my column on “Eric Adams” and then view the comment section I still have a lot to say about Denver, and I know there are many who are waiting for my post-convention epiphany (which I have been sitting on): but suddenly I have lost my zeal. I also wanted to write a post-primary election analysis (especially dealing with Kevin Parker’s victory -the analysis of which would have surprised many), but there too the desire has gone. I have lots of info on next year’s primaries I want to share, and even a revelation or two about my recent experiences on the campaigns of Ed Towns, Cenceria Edwards and a few others; but right now I am not in a sharing mood.  

Look; I could hardly walk down a Brooklyn street, without someone coming up to me asking for an explanation, as to why I would choose to so publicly go with Ed Towns -given my credibility as an insurgent. (Damn: I am such a public personna again/lol). I have said it before and I will say it over and over: there was no option to Ed Towns this time around. Despite the hoopla of this “change” theme that Barack Obama has given us, it is not just simply a matter of ridding ourselves in Brooklyn, of a 26 year incumbent congressman for mere change sake: not unless the alternative is exemplary. Plus, as I have said many times, Ed’s public relations people haven’t done a good job over the years.

Anyway, let me give you a golden nugget: I have been told by credible sources that Charles Barron is contemplating a run against Ed Towns (again) in two years. It seems as though he has been buoyed by his wife’s Assembly victory. I did intend to do a column breaking down the results of the 40th AD also, but that’s also on hold for now. I want to believe that the likely November victory of Inez Barron will be historic, in that you will have a husband and wife team of black electeds, living under the same roof in this city: come January1st 2009.

Guess who put this idea to both of them many years ago? Rock Hackshaw. I saw this coming like a runaway train. Go see my columns (Inez Barron) of March 23rd and June 2nd of this year. But there are many stories behind all this; I may share some of them one of these days -if I ever get up to it.

This is something of a pyrrhic victory for Barron and company; as I have said many times before: the (past) potential of Barron and his movement was proverbial; nowadays it is all about the show. Time is running out for him to get his head on straight; one of these days the buzzer will go off. I don’t expect a miracle from him since he will have to drastically change. 

So, what did I intend to write about today? The answer is: Barack Obama; not all the other stuff I just mentioned in passing. But I can’t. You see the accumulative effect of all the negative crap to which I am often subjected, plus the many contemplative hours in my ivory towers, plus observations on what’s been going on over the last six months, have left me politically priapic. And I don’t know if there is a cure for priapism beside long rest, reclusion and seclusion. 

As I watch Barack Obama slowly blow this election goodbye -and I will keep to myself the reasons why I say this- I am frustrated enough to go on a forced hiatus. I will suggest you re-read two of my recent columns (“Biden” and “Exclam!”), since they should help you understand all this a little better.  I have to get to my shaman before the first Tuesday in November; otherwise I will have to make my detractors here permanently happy with a quiet pen forever (and I would hate to do that). I truly want this mulatto (Barack Obama) to win the presidency, and as such: I choose to stay silent; for now.

You won’t be getting any more columns from me, for the rest of this September; so tune in to other writers: please. If October finds me in a better place and space, then you may get lucky (or unlucky: depending on whether you are a fan or foe/lol), in that I may just pick up my pen again.

Adios (at least for now): be brave and stay strong. Be good; but if you can’t be good: then be careful. LOL.