The First Refuge Of The Scoundrel

In 1775, Samuel Johnson wrote "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundel"

Reading Sunday's NY Daily News, I think I learned what the first refuge is now.

The story speculated about how the recent indictment of Assemblyman Tony Seminerio could affect the State Senate race between Republican Seph Maltese and Democrat Joe Addabbo.

Here are the relevant paragraphs –

"Seminerio was a pretty influential Democrat who Maltese needed to deliver Democratic votes," Addabbo spokeswoman Alexis Grenell told the Daily News. "So if Maltese needs Democratic votes to win, this is going to hurt."

Maltese blasted the Addabbo camp for discussing the Seminerio arrest with The News on the anniversary of 9/11, though Grenell was responding to an inquiry made the day before.