I Am Still Pissed, But Back In The Saddle Again

So I took a two week hiatus from writing any columns here: whoop dee damn doo. And now I am back; but I am still pissed. I think my editors here (Ben Smith and Gur Tsbar) are making big mistakes that could eventually lead to this site’s decline in popularity; but who am I to say? I already believe that our continuous failure to attract new and younger writers isn’t positive, as it relates to our future well being. I also believe that we need to recruit political activists from all over the state, who are willing to come up here, and write about what’s really going down in their respective areas; stuff that you won’t find on mainstream media sources/entities. We also need to recruit writers who are unafraid to speak out on salient issues of the day. Yet, I am committed to this writer’s colony, and I am hopeful that we can one day build this site, to one where serious political thinkers and activists come to express themselves and to inform others. Politics is the only game in town folks.

If the policy of the editors of “Room Eight New York Politics” is to allow any and everyone to comment (especially those who are anonymous), then why do they censor (zap) certain comments? Or any comments? Isn’t that contradictory to their ascribed policy? Isn’t that adverse to their arguments against my call for a select (or esoteric) comment section? And why remove the offensive comments form viewership? Shouldn’t any and everyone be allowed to see and verify the offenses for themselves? 

I also feel that the editors know where the racist drivel originates. They must have the IP numbers from which the racist photos, caricatures and such, originate. They need to expose whoever these people are. This has happened too many times over the past thirty-two months. When someone anonymously suggested that I do all this (put up racial caricatures, etc.) in order to be controversial, then I realize that too many here miss my points and purpose(s). I realize then, that there is more than just a liberal sprinkling of fools peregrinating this website. My columns have more “zaps” that all others combined; why? And why is it that so few folks are willing to express their outrage?

Still, I write. I have more than a few things still left to say, and I refuse to be driven off. As I always say: I will leave on my own terms. So do stay tuned-in. I will be putting up another column real soon; like within a few days.