A Mayoral Draft for the People of New York City

Now that Michael “Caesar” Bloomberg has disrespected “we” the people of New York City, it is only fitting that we (the little people) fight back. With this in mind, let me announce today, that I am starting a “Draft State Senator Eric Adams for Mayor” initiative. And before you fly off your rockers claiming that I am being somewhat reactionary: let me state just a few of my reasons here. 

To me, the worst thing any elected official can do to the ideals of democracy is disrespect the voter’s will. My ancestors died for the right to vote in this country. My matriarch and patriarch (Amphy and Bashana Jackson) fought in the 1812 War. Many of my kinfolk -in both the Caribbean and North America- gave blood for the democratic cause. It is in their honor that I will strongly oppose what Bloomberg and company intends to do: no matter how much the deck is stacked against me. Overturning term-limits through cowardly legislation is wrong with a capital “W”. This is one of the worst things I have seen in politics anywhere.

When Mayor Bloomberg hijacked the two term limits referenda (1993 and 1996) last week, he displayed the arrogance and hubris of someone who surrendered his right to another term as mayor of this great city. Thus, if and when he runs for re-election, I will do everything in my power to insure his loss. The right to run for another term is not something he should arbitrarily impose on ‘we’ the people; he should have taken it to another referendum. But he has no respect; so politically speaking, we now have to send his political career where Rodney Dangerfield presently resides: the cemetery. Where is Viola Plummer when you need her/lol? 

After most of the cowardly council members pass legislation to overturn term-limits later this month, many of those who ostensibly wanted to seek higher office will recline to the comfort and relative safety of their present positions. Of the mayoral group, this includes Marty Markowitz, Billy Thompson, Christine Quinn, Betsy Gautbaum, and many others. They won’t challenge Bloomberg. Thus there will be a void. I propose we all draft Eric Adams for mayor. 

Why Eric Adams? Simple: he has paid his dues. Here is a man who has fought the brave fights; fought the good fights; fought long and hard; and has worked with people of all races, ethnicities, nationalities and religions: while pursuing equality, fairness, justice and more. This is the man for the moment. So let’s draft Eric Adams to become the next mayor of New York City. If you agree with me then call the senator’s office and tell him so.

Stay tuned-in folks. ‘We’ the people, have the moral high ground here. Let’s start a movement: RIGHT NOW.