Pulitzer Prize Winner Needs A Fact Checker

Charles Krauthammer, the Pulitzer Prize winning columnist apparently uses the same incompetent researchers as William Kristol.

In his Halloween column, Krauthammer tries to scare voters about Barack Obama.


Among the scary things that Krauthammer says Obama will impose on the country of dupes who won’t vote the way Krauthammer wants –

"The so-called Fairness Doctrine – a project of Nancy Pelosi and leading Democratic senators – a Hugo Chavez-style travesty designed to abolish conservative talk radio."

The under paid graduate student working for Krauthammer apparently didn’t do his homework since Obama’s campaign months ago told the broadcasting industry that he is opposed to the Fairness Doctrine.


There may be some Democrats talking about reimposing the Fairness Doctrine, but one very important one does not: presumptive presidential nominee Barack Obama

Sen. Obama does not support reimposing the Fairness Doctrine on broadcasters," press secretary Michael Ortiz said in an e-mail to B&C late Wednesday

"He considers this debate to be a distraction from the conversation we should be having about opening up the airwaves and modern communications to as many diverse viewpoints as possible," Ortiz added.

"That is why Sen. Obama supports media-ownership caps, network neutrality, public broadcasting, as well as increasing minority ownership of broadcasting and print outlets." .