My Endorsements are Unchanged

Don't vote for any Republicans at the federal level, regardless of your opinions on social and foreign policy issues, on generational equity grounds. And don't vote for any incumbents of either party in the New York State Legislature, on generational equity grounds; because they have favored (former) producers of public services to an unfair degree over consumers of such services (other than the super rich who do not require them); because they have represented the interests of those with special deals, privileges and favors over those without; and because New York State barely be classified as a democracy.  The vote is symbolic, but if you are going down to vote for President anyway, take the opportunity to vote no.

If you find your state legislator running unopposed, ask for a write-in ballot and write in George Costanza.  Because the amoral, self-conscious, self-absorbed Seinfeld character, as a "guilty bystander" (if you remember the last episode of the series), is very much like most New York state legislators are.  To the extent they have merely stood by and collected their member item handouts, they have been guilty bystanders to the destruction of our institutions, even as they have pretended to be heroes for handing us some of our own money back, with some of it lost to administration.  Some even look like the Constanza character.