You Read It Here First

On October 14th, I posted a predictive column titled –

Coming Next – No Term Limits At All

At the time, I wrote:

When Mayor Bloomberg and his billionaire buddies announced their decision to extend term limits, they said they were still in support of limits but simply wanted to extend them from two terms to three. In fact, taxpayer subsidized billionaire Mort Zuckerman’s Daily News insists that there is no argument about the concept of term limits.

However, reading what Mike and those he recruited to support term limits extension are now saying, they are making arguments against any term limits.

I then listed a number of quotes from various supporters of Mike’s term-limits scam and ended by writing:

How soon after Mike is re-elected, will these members of New York’s permanent government begin the campaign to do away with all term limits?

I guess I was wrong, since even before re-election Mike is already giving the signal that abolishing term limits will soon be OK with him.

After sitting through four hours of testimony at City Hall this morning, Michael Bloomberg signed into law the term-limits extension that will allow him and other city lawmakers to run for a third consecutive four-year term in office.

He also signaled an uncertainness about supporting term limits in general.

"The one argument against term limits that I've never had a great answer to is the argument that when you have term limits, you do limit the public's choice. I feel that this time, the public should have a choice.

