Cigarettes, Cigars, Beer & Wine & Michael Daly

Observant readers are used to some inconsistent ideas among newspaper columnists, pundits & editorial pages.

But usually, there is a time interval between when, for example the Wall Street Journal switches from support of a strong President under Reagan and a powerful Congress under Clinton so that the writer doesn’t look dumb or hypocritical.

But Michael Daly of the Daily News doesn’t care.

In Thursday’s News, Daly praises the recent increase in the cigarette tax and says it should go higher.

Daly wrote –

As every drug pusher knows, a junkie will pay anything to get a fix.

So why not add another $5 to the cigarette tax hike?

Statistically, one of three smokers dies of the habit.

Which translates to one life saved for every three New Yorkers who stop smoking.

The relatively piddling 62-cent federal excise hike that went into effect yesterday is expected to save the lives of as many as 6,000 New Yorkers.

A hike that would put cigarettes in a price bracket with other dangerous drugs could save tens of thousands of New Yorkers from a death that makes most other demises seem kind.

Best of all, higher prices have proven to be a stronger deterrent among young people.

But Tuesday, Daly attacked the Governor & State Legislature for a bunch of tax increases.


Daly wrote –


Drafted in shameful secrecy, the new budget has a host of hikes that are incidental when taken one at a time:


Among the taxes that Daly criticizes are:


A 9% increase in the cigar tax.

A 58% increase in the wine tax.

A 27% increase in the beer tax.

Do you think Daly spends a little too much time in cigar and other bars?