An open letter to Congressman Anthony Weiner

Dear Tony: 

Let me get straight to the point and not beat around the george bush; my reputation -quite rightly earned- is that of a person who gives it straight with no chaser: so here goes.

Although I am personally going to wait for your announcement next month -as to whether or not you will run for mayor this year- many others are not going to afford you that luxury. Let me emphatically and unambiguously state that if you run, I will endorse you immediately. And yet, I still think you may have messed up with all this calalloo stuff, about waiting till the end of May to decide what to do (run for mayor or not). 

You have two primary challengers (Billy Thompson and Tony Avella) who are decent men and decent candidates. I believe that you are the best of this trio -but that’s just my personal view; and I don’t know how much it is worth. By procrastinating with your decision, you have given both of your primary opponents, opportunities to secure early endorsements from political clubs, elected officials, popular figures in the larger culture, sports, media and other prominent areas of society. These political clubs, electeds and/or popular figures, may want to get their public-relations machines (and supporters) revving up, long before petition process. This will hurt you in the long run: especially when each passing day becomes another day of playing catch-up (later on) in a tight primary battle. 

Plus, you appear to be waffling and not ready to step to Mayor Bloomberg. This makes you look indecisive. It also makes you look different to the glib, fiery and cocky politician that many of us admire. Many of us want you to take on this mayor: win or lose no matter. The impressive way in which you handled yourself during the term-limits extension fight, has further endeared you to many in this city: many who didn’t support you last time out. Don’t you know this? You offer the most excitement in this somnambulistic field. Period. 

That’s why I asked you at the meeting of the Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats recently: who do you reach out to for advice? Are you really a one-man band? What does your core group of advisors look like? 

What are you saying Tony? If the courts overturn the immoral term-limit extension bill passed by Bloomberg, Christine Quinn, the weasels at the corrupt mainstream NYC newspapers, and their minions on the council: you are not going to run still? Or are you going to then pompously announce that you are in? Can’t you see the problem with that?

It will reek of opportunism and cowardice. You would have girlishly hidden behind the large bloomers of the appeals court. Don’t tarnish your image brother man: don’t. You are seen as a street-fighter for middle class folks? You are Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier all rolled into your bony white body/lol. Bring it; bring it on now!

Are you really willing to let the world see you as a semi-coward, instead of just stepping to this wanabee bully of a mayor: like today? Where have you hidden the real Tony Weiner big guy? This one here is an impostor. And the whole city knows it.  

Get in the ring Tony; let’s get it on. It’s time to either take a dump or get off the damn potty. And as the kids say on the street: “man-up”.


Stay tuned-in folks.