It’s time for the OAS to stand up to the USA

Some historians say that the Organization of American States is presently the oldest functioning regional organization in the world. That may be true. As a history buff, I generally hate to accept things as gospel; however there is evidence that this claim could be legit. If so, it is something to be proud of. 

Somewhere around 1826, Latin-American nationalist Simon Bolivar called for the creation of a regional body, with a multi-national parliamentary assembly, a mutual defense pact and a co-operative military arm. His vision was to unify Latin America against external aggressors and world powers (including the USA). 

At this 1826 “Conference of Panama” wheels were set in motion for the creation of a regional body, with the ambitious goals of dealing with hemispheric issues, while at the same time rivaling anything the “old world” had developed in terms of regional governance: a beautiful concept indeed. Go do the research, it makes for fascinating reading. It took many years and lots of name changes before the OAS (as it is now known) officially began on April 14th, 1890: by then the USA was a member. 

Over the last 119 years the organization has gone through many more changes and challenges; as I said before, it is fascinating history. While you are at the research, be sure to read any books by Eduardo Galeano that you can get your hands on. He is one of the best writers on Latin-American history that I know. 

So why am I writing all this? 

Well, on Friday 17th April thru Sunday 19th, April, 2009, the OAS will convene in my homeland of Trinidad, West Indies (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago), for their fifth summit. President Barack Obama will be in attendance. Obama’s presence alone will be enough to fully excite the people of the Caribbean. 

This organization (OAS), which back in 1948 -at a key juncture in its history- had only 21 members, has now grown to 35 members: all of whom are independent nations. And it is time for 34 of them to stand up to the USA and say this ridiculous ostracism of Cuba has to end. It is ridiculous to keep punishing the people of Cuba, just because its former leader (Fidel Castro) made some choices -more than half a century ago- that the USA disagreed with. 

So Cuba has a communist form of government and a socialist approach to governance and economics; so what? Doesn’t China? Doesn’t Russia? Doesn’t Viet Nam? And others? The last time I looked, all of the three aforementioned countries were being dealt with by our government, in many collaborative ways; and in near all areas of human endeavor (if not all). In fact: didn’t we give special trading statuses to at least two of these three at some point in time? 

Keeping this anger – born out of the “Bay of Pigs” fiasco (amongst other things) – alive, is nothing short of childishness. As a country: we are better than this. Barack Obama needs to be pressured by the other members of the OAS into accepting that the time has come for lifting the trade embargo on Cuba. It is time for open and full diplomatic and cultural relations between the USA and Cuba. It is time for full human interaction with the Cuban people. No more isolation as some social outcast. No more isolation as some regional pariah. It’s time for trading freely with Cuba, and for exchanging people, ideas and technology. No more bully tactics on our part. Enough already. It’s a new world. It’s a new day. Get over what Castro did back when I was a baby. Geeze; I have a grandson coming in a few weeks! 

In January of 1962, the OAS voted to exclude Cuba from participating within its body; although Cuba’s membership was never revoked. Do you really want to know why? Do you want the official reason for this exclusion? I will tell you: because the Cuban government had identified itself as a Marxist-Leninist state. The USA was influential in threatening and intimidating members to vote this way. Six nations had the balls to at least abstain; 13 nations caved in to the will of the USA. It was disgraceful. Cuba alone voted against the resolution.

What will be more disgraceful is for us to allow this travesty to go on for even one more minute. Are you listening Mr. USA President (Obama)? 

Stay tuned-in folks.