The MTA and Malcolm Smith

Yes I’m disgusted with Mr. Smith and the rest of the State Senate. But remember, HE JUST GOT THERE, and is trying to convince people to vote and act like grown ups and allocate pain after 15 years in which others handed out benefits and shifted the cost to a future they didn’t care about. I’m far more disgusted with those others, some of whom have conveniently left the scene, and our culture of pacifier sucking two-year-olds, which has yet to “change” in New York. Smith deserves blame, but he’s far too convenient a fall guy for others who deserve to be blamed more.

The decision to allow our transportation system to deteriorate through a series of crises was made over time, for the benefit of self-interested beneficiaries, not now as a result of “circumstances beyond our control.” And while lots of the resulting debt was shifted onto the MTA, it is hardly the only public service and benefit that will be in this situation.