Judge Sotomayor’s First Supporter

Ben Smith reports that conservatives are responding to the fact that Judge Sonia Sotomayor, whom they are painting as a dangerous left-winger, was originally appointed by the first President Bush–

One of the key talking points about Sotomayor is that she was first appointed by a Republican, President George H.W. Bush.

John McCormack partially punctures that one, noting that "Sotomayor was nominated as part of a compromise in which Democratic Senator Moynihan was allowed to recommend judges for two of the seven vacancies."



I remember the good old days in the 20th century when conservatives thought highly of Senator Moynihan’s judgement, when George Will wrote of Moynihan –  


His was the most penetrating political intellect to come from New York since Alexander Hamilton




And Michael Barone once termed Pat the nation's best thinker among politicians since Lincoln and its best politician among thinkers since Jeferson.




I say that if Sotomayor was good enough for someone as smart as Hamilton, Lincoln & Jefferson, she’s good enough for me.