The race for the 40th City Council District: Rock Hackshaw gets the endorsement of the Independence Party….

The race for the 40th City Council District: Rock Hackshaw gets the endorsement of the Independence Party. Is this an epic of things to come? 

By now most of you know that I am running for the New York City Council, in the 40th District. That’s one of many reasons why I haven’t been writing much here lately. I have been so busy with this race -and the requirements of campaigning, etc. – that I have been writing very few columns lately. And yet -despite my busy schedule- I hope to intermittently keep you up to date on my campaign and other political developments. So do stay tuned-in folks. 

Okay; here goes. I secured the nod of the Independence Party -to be their standard bearer- in the November general election. It would be the second time I have secured the nod of a minor party in a general election. I did it in 1998 (Liberal Party) in my run for the state assembly. I have been assured by the chairman of the Brooklyn chapter that the Independence Party will grant me a “Wilson-Pekula”, which allows me to run on their line -despite my being a registered democrat. 

My main opponent -the incumbent Mathieu Eugene- has secured the line of the Working Families Party. The other parties (Republican and Conservative) have yet to announce their nominees. I am not seeking any other lines. I will contest the primary for democrats and that’s it. Between Independence and Democratic lines I should win this race handily in November (with a little luck of course/lol).  

Speaking of my opponent (Mathieu Eugene): news reports have it that the Campaign Finance Board fined him around $24,000 for using their funds to engage in personal spending (wow!); this was during the 2007 campaigns. They also fined him for illegally accepting corporate contributions. 

My campaign office has been open for almost three weeks now, and we can be reached at 1-718-363-ROCK (1-718-363-7625 and 1-718-363-7626). The office is located at 548C New York Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225. We usually open 7 days a week, from 10 am until 10pm. It seems that those of you on these blogs, who promised (last year) to send me contributions should I run this race, have been suffering from deliberate amnesia. All I can say is this: SEND MONEY. Send it now. PLEASE (lol).

My campaign’s mailing address is:

“The Friends of Rock Hackshaw”

P.O. Box 250638

James E. Davis Station

Brooklyn, NY 11225.

Please make checks or money orders payable to: “The Friends of Rock Hackshaw”.  

Let me mention the two other candidates in this race -who filed with CFB. They are John Grant and Leithland Tulloch. So far there are no signs of other candidates running here. I am hoping that the race stays amongst the four of us. I hate political orgies/lol. 

In two weeks, I am having another Bar-B-Q fundraiser (by popular request). This takes place on Saturday 27th June, 2009. It will again take place at Wellington Sharpe’s residence (1400 Schenectady Avenue). It is in Brooklyn; located between Foster and Farrugut avenues. It starts at four in the evening and ends around eleven in the night. Next week (6-20) I am having another fundraiser. This one is a little different. It’s a dinner. We will be selling exotic food dishes for anyone who shows up. For information call my campaign office. This one is turning out to be a hot item. 

Take care folks. And you know what to do (stay tuned-in).