Liberal Bias?

Thursday’s NY Times has an amazing story about Curtis Brooks, a self-described “eviction specialist.”

The Times reports on the allegation that Brooks has been forging documents on behalf of a non-existent lawyer to collect fees from landlords to evict people.

Like I said, it’s an amazing story and I won’t repeat all the details but one part jumped out at me.

The Times described Brooks as “well-known in the Housing Court building on the Grand Concourse, and is a frequent candidate for public office in the Bronx, running unsuccessfully in recent years in city, state and federal races, including for City Council and Congress.”

In other words, Brooks is another one of those Bronx hacks aligned with the boss-controlled Democratic machine.

Except, he’s not.

I checked and Brooks has run for office. He ran against Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson in 2006 and 2004 and against Councilman Larry Seabrook in 2001. Each time, Brooks ran as the Republican-Conservative candidate.

That’s the “liberal” NY Times that neglected to mention Brooks’ party affiliations!