Silver and Bruno’s Excuse

Back when the Brennan Center was releasing reports showing how undemocratic and phony the New York State legislature is, I recall reading comments from Sheldon Silver and Joe Bruno, its leaders, in the newspaper. They didn’t come right out and say it, but reading between the lines they pretty much implied that if New Yorkers knew what those who grab and perpetually hold sinecures through our non-elections were like, they would be glad there were only three men in the room when anything important was at stake.

I bring this up without comment, other than to point out that decisions to sell out New York’s future (now the present) to free up money to hand out to interest groups in the present (now the past) were generally bi-partisan and had the support of both leaders, and many member of their generations. Is that really worse than what has been going on recently? In any event, credit to Gatemouth, whose history of the last time the Democrats were sort of in charge in the 1960s meant that no one who read it is surprised. I’m never surprised by something bad for ordinary people, particularly those in younger generations, coming out of Albany.