If They All But Announce They Are Lying Is It Still Lying?

Last year Governor Paterson and the state legislature covered up the state's fiscal problems until after the election, by passing a budget that was a fraud. This year, Mayor Bloomberg and the City Council have done the same. It happens over and over, and yet Paterson and Bloomberg are different. In each case, they are barely hiding from anyone who bothers to read the newspaper the fact that their budgets failed to address the facts they are thus hiding. "Make no mistake about it, we're going to have to start right now economizing if we're going to get through 2011," the Daily News reported. "Right now" presumably meaning now quite now. I guess they are assuming most people are too lazy to pay attention, and will be blindsided. And perhaps they are right. Hey Daily News, it's the All Star break. Put the budget on the sports page.
