Chocolate Kiss-Off: Jimmy Mack’s Chocolate Bride Ditches Him at the Altar

“I tried so hard to be true, like I promised I'd do…
Hey Jimmy, Jimmy, oh Jimmy Mack”
MARTHA REEVES (now a Detroit City Councilwoman, she understood politics even then ) AND THE VANDELLAS

It seems like only two days ago I reported on the unusual alliance between psychotic anti-Semitic lunatic Jimmy McMillan of the “Rent is Too Damn High Party” and Eugene Myrick, the “Chocolate Brides” publishing magnate attempting to challenge Marty Markowitz for Brooklyn Borough President.

It became clear today that I had to do a follow-up, so I blew off Shabbat services at my Reform congregation even though the Rabbi was schedule to give an important update on our Youth Group’s plan to blow up the Statue of Liberty (Yes, Jimmy you were right!).

As soon as I published my piece, responses were immediately forthcoming;

Mole333 defended his friends at DDDB, used the occasion to go after his own enemies for associations he deemed just as unworthy as Myrick’s and backhandedly proposed a write-in campaign against Markowitz–something not possible unless either Myrick qualifies (a reliable source says they’ve seen the Election Board’s Clerk’s report, and he’s going down for the count) or someone files a valid “Opportunity to Ballot” (OTB) petition (given the costs involved, possibly the only OTB capable of generating a profit) to create a write-in primary.

Roy Edroso of the Village Voice, who finds McMillan more humorous than I, seemed more concerned about the rights of voters to support rabid, foam-frothing hatemongers and their friends.

“No Land Grab” (since they give no place on their site to make contact, I’ll be damned if they get a link from me) had this to say:

"Anonymous blogger Gatemouth claims his criticism of Marty Markowitz is more meaningful because he's "not reflexively anti-development," as if opposition to Atlantic Yards is "reflexive" or "anti-development," as he ruefully takes down Markowitz-challenger Eugene Myrick, while blaming AY opponents for not fielding a better challenge themselves. Which is not so meaningful, coming from an anonymous blogger."


No it's not anonymous. It's a pseudonym. I have a paper trail hundreds of articles long, which can be examined and analyzed for purposes of accountability and exposing alleged hypocrisy.

Further, it ain't much of a pseudonym anymore.

As the DNC designated blogger for the state of New York, I openly paraded around the Democratic convention and was the subject of a nationally syndicated article about new media. In the last few weeks, I've been quoted by my real name together with my blogging name, in both “City Hall News” and “Slate.”

I am no more anonymous at this point than David "Mole333" Michaelson. And, in fact, if you wanted to, you could probably find my real name in about two more minutes than it took me to make the connection between Myrick and Jimmy McMillan. At this point, the "Gatemouth" franchise exists mostly because of brand-name identification.

Of course, it would be nothing new for DDDB backers to endorse for public office racists and lunatics .My point about Markowitz was made to prove to the skeptical that I was not attacking Myrick because I was what Edroso calls “a cat’s paw.” If I had not made this clear, I'm pretty sure I would have been attacked on that basis. I cited the fact that my problems with Markowitz are not based on one issue to make clear the depth of my feelings, not to show they were more valid than DDDB’s (as if that needed any proof) .

I do not think that opposing Atlantic Yards makes one reflexively anti-development. I just think that DDDB has shown itself to be so. I think joining with far right-wing ideologues in their blunderbuss crusade against eminent domain, which the right uses to mask a far more pernicious agenda, proves it. I also think that support for the likes of Charles Barron is the sign of an issue-based crusade gone mad.

I never blamed DDDB for not finding a candidate against Markowitz, though it is an interesting thought–maybe the idea which the likes of Chris Owens put forth that Markowitz should listen to “THE PEOPLE” would be more credible if "THE PEOPLE" where given the opportunity to express their views through an election. But I don't think I made that argument.

I thought the article made clear that before I started my research, I was going to critique DDDB for not doing enough to help the Markowitz opponent who did emerge, but by the time I got through googling, I thought that DDDB supporters should have done even less than the little they did.

I hesitate to post this out because criticism of DDDB always seems to attract dozens of really nasty thread-posts, but given the dismal number of comments I’ve attracted recently, that actually seems to be a good thing.

Post away.

Anyway, a friend alerted me to a strange happenstance on the web.

I can just hear the scream at Borough Hall: “CARLO, Myrick suddenly disappeared from McMillan website….yesterday he was on it…….oy oy……..Myrick has a story for sure….…”

And sure nuff, Myrick has disappeared from the “Rent Is Too Damn High” website.

So, for the technologically challenged, let me offer this bit of assistance.

If you google "Eugene Myrick" + "Jimmy Mcmillan" you will get this:

The Rent Is Too Damn High Party

– 4 visits – 3:39pm

BROOKLYN BOROUGH PRESIDENT Eugene Myrick. Click On Picture. eugene-myrick.jpg. Click On Picture …. Rent Is Too Damn High DVD Sample Movie Clips Are Here. –

Eugene Myrick

– Jul 29 The Rent Is Too Damn High Party. Eugene Myrick BROOKLYN BOROUGH PRESIDENT Eugene Myrick. Click On Picture. eugene-myrick.jpg. Click On Picture –

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Do not hit Myrick's name; hit "Cached" in the paragraph beneath the name, and you will get the old page, with Myrick conveniently highlighted.

As to the sudden disappearance, in the filed of Criminal Law, they have a name to explain the thought process behind such an occurrence: