A wise man once said that success usually comes after moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Another one said that the best way to succeed at something is by increasing your failure rate. Either way, both sages lauded tenacity and persistence. I concur; and that's one of many reasons why I am formally announcing today that I will be running again next year, despite my defeat at the polls last Tuesday 15th September, in the 40th city council district democrat's primary.

Next September (2010) I intend to run for two positions in the Democratic primary election. Firstly, I will run for the 42nd Assembly seat in the state legislature, against the incumbent Ms. Rhoda Jacobs. The incumbent is presently getting a salary for the position, and a pension for the same position: at the same time. I believe that what she is doing is wrong. This is double-dipping. She filed her resignation papers last year but has stayed in the post while collecting two checks.

I also intend to run for the male district leader position here. I believe that if we are to reform the politics in Brooklyn it has to start within the democratic party. So yesterday, my daughter (treasurer) and I, launched a new organization named "The Solid Score Political Group". It is an organization with a closed and limited membership (20), named after twenty significant and historical figures in US, Latin-American and Caribbean-American history. One of our many goals is to affect and influence the politics of this city (and Brooklyn in particular). We also intend to recruit, groom and launch political candidates against incumbents we deem ineffective.

The organization's offices will be located at New York Avenue, Brooklyn. For more information call 1-347-998-7631.

Stay tuned-in folks: the campaign has already started.