New York State Income Tax Payments by Place of Residence

Not long after I mentioned it in a prior post, that data is out for 2007. New York City accounted for 45 percent of the state's income and 47 percent of its income tax payments in 2007.  Those figures only include the taxes paid by state residents. New York State income taxes paid by commuters from Connecticut and New Jersey are in addition, and most of those are collected in New York City. New York City received 38.3 percent of New York State school aid that year. New York City's share of the state's income and taxes have probably fallen quite a bit since then, particularly since such a large share of the workers in the rest of the state are public employees and retirees. The city fell from 41.6% of state tax payments in 2000 to 39.4% in 2002, during the last Wall Street meltdown. So, based on who got cut the most in previous recessions, will it share of state school aid, if back door school aid and other gambits are included.
