No End to the Fraud

"The budget may be stalled, parks may be closed but public employees might soon be able to take early retirement" according to the Albany Times-Union. "The 55/25 bill would allow state workers as well as local public employees to retire at age 55 after 25 years of service without penalty…The measured passed in the Assembly Monday and may be reviewed in a key Senate."

So they cut the number of people on the job, services are gutted, and rather than have to deal with the consequences, Generation Greed gets to ride off to Florida. 'Supporters are confident the bill will pass in the Senate, too, especially considering that it's a potential cost-saver." Like all the other pension deals? Then how come taxes are rising while services are being gutted –to pay for the soaring cost of those retired?

I guarantee you there wouldn’t be savings if the cost of this pension enhancement were actually paid for up front. The savings are actually a deferral to a time when Geneation Greed will be receiving untaxed retiement income rather than taxable wage income.

How the hell to these SOBs have the nerve to make these claims even now, when we are living with the consequences off all their past deals? How do they keep handing out deals for those cashing in and moving out, then vote for lower compensation and benefits for new employees, as if A has nothing to do with B?

Because people haven’t paid attention until it’s too late, and then they’ll all point the finger in a circle — because the vote is always 212 to 0.
