The Gateway (Ladies’ Night Edition)

Nevada GOP Senate front runner Sue Lowden takes the idea that chicken soup is penicillin a bridge too far and the chickens come home to roost, and low and behold, the cure is worse than the disease. Sharron Angle And Party Suicide | The New Republic

I'd vote for a yellow dog or even Lindsay Graham against Jim DeMint, but this guy I'm not so sure about S.C. Dem winner faces felony charge – Jessica Taylor –

Dog bites man story: Beck is a schmuck Glenn Beck's new book club pick: Nazi sympathizer who praised Hitler and denounced the Allies | Medi

Prominent Orthodox Jewish Republican and former Reagan aide makes the case for peace. MOMENT MAGAZINE

Israeli moderate says stopping the flotilla was legally justified, morally justified, and plain friggin idiotic. My main objection here is that while Bibi and (to a lesser extent) Ehud Barak get the blame they deserve, he lets Livni off the hook–were it not for her refusal to join the government as Foriegn Minister, the governing coalition would not be almost exclusively the provence of lunatics. S.O.S. | The New Republic 

If a hollow tree falls in a forest, and no one hears it, does it make an endorsement? Malpass Gets Endorsement from Defunct New York Daily | The New York Observer Nonetheless, let me note that the guy who complained about Malpass' “champaigne and caviar campaign” used to jet-set aound with the cute Beatle until Paul turned him into Rocky Raccoon.

Vito Lopez allegedly opposed this project, so either he didn't care as much as he said, or he does not get enough credit for tolerating dissent within his own organization. Planning Commission Approves Domino Sugar Housing Development | The New York Observer

It's like the battles in academia, because the stakes are so small The Battle for Bill de Blasio’s Soul | The New York Observer 

The Good News: Winograd Lost!
The Bad News: Harman Won.