The Gateway (Nothing About Soccer Edition)

New frontiers in pathetic; money quotes: "We are the largest group of SERIOUS Alvin Greene supporters on Facebook. For whatever reason, you have chosen to view or join this group in support of Alvin Greene. The thing that separates this group from others is that we are 100% serious about supporting his candidacy. The m…e…dia, the democratic party of South Carolina, and almost everyone else wont give this guy a chance to breath. Show your support here.

– Mr. Greene holds a BA in Political Science from South Carolina University.
– Mr Greene has served in the Army, in the Army National Guard, and the Air National Guard for 14 years. He has won several awards."

"We have a contact with Mr. Greene, and I am working on figuring out if we could gather some questions from the group and ask them to Mr. Greene if it was ok by him. I wil keep everyone posted." One Million Strong for Alvin Greene

Front Page, Lead Article, NY Times STYLE Section, because, after all, it is, above all else, a fashion statement, right? For American Muslims, Choosing to Wear the Veil Poses Challenges –


 Scary stuff: I'll admit to once unfriending one particularly obnoxious conservative once, but if I can't find out what they are saying, how can I dispute it? PDF '10: Eli Pariser's Case Against the Filtered Web | techPresident

Reading the headline, i gave him points for guts and integrity, but not political savvy–then I read the text and found out he said what he did in private. Big deal–we already knew that what he really felt anyway.  Abbas to Obama: I'm against lifting the Gaza naval blockade – Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News


"Let's not shit a shitter." Bill Maher pastes Oliver Stone and other Israel bashers Bill Maher on Israel

"In his interview with the Forward, Frank sought to clarify remarks the Boston Herald attributed to him in a June 2 article. The article stated that the congressman “had harsh words yesterday for the Israeli navy.” But a transcript of the interview that Frank provided to the Forward showed no evidence of such remarks."…

But even after the truth was known, Dov Hikind continued to prevaricate about Frank's statement (

Query, when will that L'shon hora spewing santimonoius macher of mamzerhood apologize to frank?

Don't hold your breathe.