The Gateway (Guaranteed: Less Than 50% of the Items Mention Israel)

This is clearly a troubled marriage Visiting the family of the Hamas terrorist who tried to kill my wife | JTA – Jewish & Israel News

This is an actual quote from a candidate's Facebook posting: "Morning rush and evening rush at subways stops. Then onto a…Parks Committee meeting. Voter Engagement Summer rolls on!" Query: does such ponderous self-absorbed wanking really work? I mean, couldn't he at least wink?

Reshma: if all your cash is coming from Wall Street, does it really matter whether it came from a PAC or not? Reshma vows 'not one penny' – Maggie Haberman –

I keep thinking how funny it is that libertarians can be so blasé about every unfair power imbalance life has to offer, but so outraged at the only one that might possibly offer the beleaguered a little justice in a timely manner

Former Clinton White House Counsel Lanny Davis says Obama should diss "progressives" the way they are dissing him. AMEN! Progressive threat to the left

Can Ira Stoll beat Ben Stein for stupidest article of all time? Fatherhood And Apple Pie | The New Republic

One can argue (and I did) that Israel's blockade against Gaza went too far; but anyone who argues that the new policy goes to far probably just wants more dead Jews. Gov't to ease Gaza policy

Barney Frank: "One of the things that bothers me about journalism is that members of Congress can be debating the most important issues of the day — reforming Wall Street, repairing our health insurance system, or whether or not to continue an unpopular war – and reporters say that we are “bickering.” You have to wonder if journalists in the 1850s said that Lincoln and Douglas were just bickering. Would it be better if we don’t “bicker” over how to prevent the next financial catastrophe? Would it be better not to argue passionately for your principles? I don’t think so."

To those on my right who don't like this, I suggest that next time you have your party win the election. J Street’s Blog» Blog Archive » World Zionist Congress votes to support settlement freeze and two-