The Gateway (Warning: Includes Actual Breaking Political News)

WOW! You Heard It Here First Department:

Supposedly Purer Than Thou anti-development, anti-establishment, Doug Biviano is circulating joint nominating petitions with Mark Pollard, the pro-development shill Bruce Ratner is running against State Senator Velmanette Montgomery.

Does this make Biviano Ratner's means of punishing Joan Millman?


If Friedman is right, then the question becomes whether the Israelis have displaced the Palestinians as the ones who, in Abba Eban's damning phrase, never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

Money quote: "Which brings me to the surprise. Israeli defense officials were clear with me: The Palestinian security forces built by Abbas and Fayyad in the West Bank are the real deal, and their effectiveness is a vital stabilizer of the current timeout. But Abbas and Fayyad will not be able to sustain this timeout if Netanyahu resumes settlement-building in September, when the partial freeze expires, and if Israel doesn’t soon start gradually transferring control of major West Bank Palestinian towns to the Palestinian Authority." Op-Ed Columnist – War, Timeout, War, Time … –


This bastard stole my title a day later and seems to have gotten more links than I did. What McCrystal Balls! skippy the bush kangaroo: mcchrystal blew persuasion


That very rare Supreme Court case where Tony Scalia comes the closest to getting it right, but even he sorta kinda misses the point, which is that "Initiative and Referendum" ain't speech, it's legislating. Supreme Court Breakfast Table: Is there even a First Amendment issue in Doe v. Reed? (6) – By Paul


This reminds me of last year, when a certain City Council candidate whose name (Rock) will go unmentioned would send "confidential" internal memos about his campaign's chaos to his list of 200 friends, which included every political gossip in the City of NY. Anyway, Goldberg makes the money point: "Why anyone would think that a listserv with 400 people is private is beyond me. It's McChrystal-level naiveté." Can a Listserv Be Off the Record? – National – The Atlantic

A little too gushing for my taste, but yet sprinkled with great lines like "But the real world has limits, and one of them is that there will never be a major bill to emerge from the House of Representatives that doesn’t have something regrettable in it." Op-Ed Columnist – The Age of Nancy –


I believe this guy is now running for Democratic State Committee in the 52nd AD (his twin brother already holds the State Senate Seat) The Whitest Kids U'Know – Clint Webb for Senate