The Gateway (Why Write Thoughtful Essays About Byrd or Brownstone Brooklyn Politics, When You Can Just Post Links Edition)

Republican financial reform=do the same things all over again, but hope for a different result. How To Kill An Ant | The New Republic


Too good to be true?

Friedman: "I am struck, though, at how much Fayyadism makes some Arabs and Israelis uncomfortable. For those Arabs who have fallen in love with the idea of Palestinians as permanent victims, forever engaged in a heroic “armed struggle” to recover Palestine and Arab dignity, Fayyad’s methodical state-building is inauthentic. Some Arabs — shamefully — dump on it…And for Israelis on the right, particularly West Bank settlers, who love the notion that there are no responsible Palestinians to talk to so the status quo will never change, Fayyadism is a real threat. Akiva Eldar, a columnist for the Israeli daily Haaretz, described this group perfectly the other day when he wrote how they “won’t relinquish the Arabs’ ‘no’s." Op-Ed Columnist – The Real Palestinian Revolution –


A conservative says he didn't leave conservatism, it left him. By many leaps and bounds, a far more damning indictment than any liberal could write. Frum On Frum | FrumForum


Goldberg says sometimes it''s OK to use the Nazis as an analogy:

"I've received several e-mails from people angry that Andrew Sullivan uses the term "the Final Solution" to describe research in which scientists are attempting to "prevent homosexuality" by experimenting with hormones in utero.,,I'm sorry, but I have to agree that this sort of thing smacks of Nazi-era experimentation. If scientists achieved a genetic "cure" for homosexuality (which, of course, is not a disease, so therefore needs no cure) wouldn't this represent a kind-of genocidal threat against a community of people that harms no one? I've been thinking a lot about theology and homosexuality lately…and I've come to the conclusion that some people are gay because God specifically wanted them be to gay. Don't ask me how I came to this; don't ask me to explain my thinking (yet) and don't ask me to explain what I think to be God's purpose is in this case. I can't quite figure out God's reason for creating Jews, much less gays." The Final Solution? – National – The Atlantic



If Glenn Greenwald is a "progressive," maybe progressives want to come up with a new name for themselves. As Joe Klein notes:

"Greenwald–who, so far as I can tell, only regards the United States as a force for evil in the world–has laid out the incredible notion that the liberation of the Kurds…a happy byproduct of… George W. Bush's dreadful war in Iraq, can be compared to the Nazi seizure of the Sudetenland" Vacation Interruptus – Swampland –


Just read someone complaining that Israel has been helpful to Robert Mugabe—Yeech! Silver lining: if this won't change Chuck Barron's mid about Israel, maybe it will change his mid about Mugabe.