The Gateway (Sex and the Single Amigo Edition)

Robbins jokingly links Carl Kruger's problems to the Russian Spy Imbroglio–one day after Gatemouth did.

Thankfully, this time there were no nude photos. Carl Kruger's Russian Secrets – Page 1 – Columns – New York – Village Voice


Sullivan calls out Linda Lingle for thwarting Civil Unions in Hawaii, and I agree–maybe she is even a homophobe; but we could probably have Civil Unions by next week in NYS, if not for politicians afraid of being called homophobes if they support them  (No, Civil Unions would not be my preference, but I didn't let my preference for Single Payer stop me from supporting Health Care Reform) . Not Even Civil Unions – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan


Blindly one-sided complaints about the other side abusing process are soooooo tiresome:

Money quote: "…Roberts is simply taking his party's pushing the rules to the limit as an unchallenged part of the landscape and decrying the opposition for responding in kind.The best Republican defense of filibustering everything is: the rules are the rules. If the rules say you can filibuster whenever you want, then there's no reason not to filibuster every single thing. And that's fine. Likewise, the rules also say the administration can appoint officials to the executive branch without Congressional approval during a recess.If you're going to push the rules as far as they can go, you can hardly complain when the other party does the same thing." Don Berwick And The Rules Of The Game | The New Republic


The road to victory for Democrats? Fake to the right on social issues, and then be as irresponsible as the GOP on economics, but justfying it with left populist bilge instead of the right-wing version.

As Moon Zappa once said, "Gag me with a spoon." The Tom Frank Candidate | The New Republic


Love is blind; also deaf, dumb, crippled and mentally retarded. Ousted state Sen. Hiram Monserrate reunites with girlfriend Karla Giraldo post assault