The Gateway (A Kevin Parker Joke is Per Se Redundant Editition)

Let's hope that after he hears the bell, he decks someone from AIG. New York State Senator Kevin Parker to Ring The NASDAQ Stock Market Opening Bell – MarketWatch


A lie from Beck and the NY Post sucessfully debunked Michael Mukasey's secret plot to aid the New Black Panthers – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sul


Why left wing critics of Obama are jerks (part 473) Short-Sighted | The New Republic


What other Mideast country would issue such a report about itself? IDF Criticized for Flotilla Fiasco « Liveshots

The Chicken Soup comes home to roost, and COJO gives up pork for Tish A'Vav. Boro Park Backbiting Blamed For 90 Percent Cut For Agudath Israel In City Budget

