The Gateway (Something Silver is as Tarnished as Something Golden Edition)

FOR THOSE WHO THINK I HAVE A PRO_DEMOCRAT BIAS (OK, I do, but…): Yesterday I called my piece on the cowardice of Marty Golden in trying to avoid facing a general election opponent: "All foreskin, no schvantz."

But the Speaker fails even that low standard. Sheldon Silver's Lawsuit – WNYC


I'm shocked; shocked that Eric Schneiderman stole Kathleen Rice's Claude Rains reference. Stopping and Frisking the A.G. Candidates


Brodsky is a pitbull. Nice quality for an AG Brodsky cross-examines Schneiderman on Espada – Capitol Confidential


Once again, Frum proves himself more valuable than any ten leftist commentators. Shirley Sherrod and the shame of conservative media – The Week


Every time there's an incident like this, the real people get lost. The human price of indiscriminate politics. – By William Saletan


In honor of American Hero Shirley Sherrod, Today's “Best of Gatey” tells another story where the real people got lost in the politics and angry rhetoric A Block Past It | Room Eight


"Richard Quinn, a Graham consultant, defended his client — noting that the Senator is 'not a demagogue'. Added Quinn: 'He's a thinking person's conservative. I expect him to do well among voters with IQ's in triple digits'"

The problem for Graham is that he has to run in South Carolina. The Fix – Lindsey Graham's vote on Elena Kagan ensures primary challenge

The Arab world goes "Animal House" on Palestinians: "THEY can't do that to our pledges; only WE can do that to our pledges" Palestinians in the Arab World: Why the Silence? :: Hudson New York