Dog Bites Man: State Senate Dems Waste Money; Man Bites Dog: It’s Their Own (The Gateway) [UPDATED]

It is almost as if the State Senate Dems are so sure they are losing the majority that they decided to have a fire sale; better someone should get fired. Largely Unknown DSCC Consultant Cleared $300k In Last Year


Like Rose or not, when control of the Senate is so tenuous, there is no possible justification for spending this money on a City Council race in an area with zero impact upon any marginal Senate seats. Senate Democrats Send Cash To Debi Rose, Councilmember In DFS Lawsuit


The plot thickens Debi Rose Donations From Senate Democrats Lacked Proper Clearance With Campaign Finance Board 


My pasting of a Republican State Senator got linked on a dissident Republican website. Cool.


I would always take advice on voting from a man who called his child ""rude, thoughtless little pig." Alec Baldwin For Schneiderman


You see, the reason it is OK is because Sheinkopf isn’t giving us money, we're giving him money. Get it? Sheinkopf's Other Job – WNYC


Truth In Labeling: Gingrich calls for repeal of First Amendment Newt Gingrich And Theocracy | The New Republic


Not quite my take on Charles Barron's effort to build an extortion operation commensurate with the Indys and WFP, but close enough. Is it Too Late for a Black Political Party?


Masterful take from McWhorter Sherrodgate: A Conversation On Race Between George Jefferson And Al Bundy | The New Republic


If I recall correctly, when they asked Mayor Hylan who he was appointing as Police Commissioner, he replied "I haven't been given the word yet" Lopez-Linked Appointee To Park Board Somehow Left Off The Roster


Being a movement conservative, this is the only use of eminent domain Gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino would find permissible. Carl Paladino: I'd Use Eminent Domain To Block Ground Zero Mosque


Query: how would voters throw the bum out if there's no election? Koch on Silver: "Throw the Bum Out!"


Almost never see sensible liberals and conservatives of good will having a sensible talk anymore; anyone else miss it as much as I do?

Gail Collins: Every once in a while I think about the Republicans I knew early in my reporting career, in the pre-Reagan era. Their theology was fiscal restraint. They believed in women’…s rights, but not new bureaucratic commissions on the status of women. They were unenthusiastic about abortion, but committed to family planning. They loved tax cuts, but never, ever, at the expense of balancing the books at the end of the year. I always thought of them as polite men in good suits. They roam the earth no more, and I miss them.

David Brooks: It is worth noting that the Republicans you knew early in your career did a lot of losing. Democrats promised shiny new programs and Republicans were joyless scolds of fiscal rectitude. Republicans started winning too when they promised fizzy tax cuts. The Politics of Extending Jobless Benefits – Opinionator Blog –