The Gateway (Mosque Cow on the Hudson Edition)

Andrea Peyser may not be the Post's most conservative columnist, but she is easily the stupidest, sometimes rising to almost bovinic proportions. Here, she calls for the Islamic Community Center proposed for the Holy Mother Coat Factory in Lower Manhattan to be moved elsewhere. Where, she does not say, but apparently anywhere in the Five Boroughs is too close, for later, on the same page, she hails the quashing of a proposal to build a Mosque on the Hallowed Ground of Staten Island (was it to be called the "Dome of the Rock?”) as "a victory for the right to protest." I agree, but so was the march of the Nazis in Skokie (except the Nazis weren't allowed to achieve their goal). Welcome to Blago-rama –


Today’s best of Gatey looks back on another columnist who was absent from school the day they taught the First Amendment.


This morning on, my Facebook page, I linked this and wrote: “I can just hear Bill Donohue fulminating how Cuomo goes after the Catholics, but won't investigate the Muslims.” By late afternoon, the response was just as I’d predicted, but with a far more prominent jerk making the imbecilic pronouncement.


Why is Clyde Haberman so upset about Bernie Kerik having sex near Ground Zero; after all what better way to reaffirm our commitment to the life force in its battle with the forces of death? NYC – Islamic Center Would Not Be ‘at’ Ground Zero –


This brings to mind "The Magnificent Ambersons": Nathan Quinones; quiet man; town will hardly notice he's gone. Nathan Quinones, 79, Dies – Led New York Schools – Obituary (Obit) –


Libous: Two sinking ships are better than one. Libous: Taxpayer Line Would Be A Good Line For GOP | Albany Watch


Vote for Schneiderman; only he has the knowledge to undo the damage he's already done. That was fast. Towing bill fix in works; scofflaws out of luck


For all this article is supposed to be about one neighborhood, it is in some sense universal; when Kevin Wardally says “People from our community get an opportunity, go to Harvard or Yale, then come back…and say, 'You know what? I should be congressman because I’m smart and I went to Yale Law and I worked on Wall Street for a couple of years. I know more than the guys in these seats, and I should run,'” he could be talking about Reshma Saujani or Dan Squadron (the only difference being they were never a part of their “communities” before they moved there to run). Knocking on Harlem's Door


At last, an NYC politician qualified to give the City the Augean cleaning of the stables it so desperately needs. Memo to Kenny: I think Albany may top your zoo for its collection of reptiles. On The Loose From Council Politics, Kenny Mitchell Now Running The Zoo


Brooks does not like the Big Government side of Obama, but likes the sides that uses "government to help set a context for private sector risk-taking and community initiative," and apparently thinks the public feels the same way.

So how come he can't come up with one word about the policy that most exemplifies this Modus Operandi:

Cap and Trade. Op-Ed Columnist – The Long Strategy for Obama Democrats –


Most predictable. Headline. Ever. Bloomberg Turns Prickly About Taylor | The New York Observer