The Gateway (AKA ADL-ed)

A sad day indeed; today, in protest, I removed my Facebook connection to the Anti-Defamation League (which did not even have the guts to post their shameful announcement on their page). A Terrible Decision by the Anti-Defamation League – National – The Atlantic


Can't understand why Gingrich is so hepped up about Sharia Law; in many ways it looks a lot like the Republican platform.


Republicans claim to hate Islam, but they are all Egyptians: They are in da-Nile. The GOP: Fiscal Frauds – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan


“Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions“ = Avigdor Lieberman in a keffiyeh. PLEASE WATCH THIS FILM! What the Boycott Movement Wants – International – The Atlantic


While on the 20% of Mideast policy issues on which they disagree, I am probably slightly more likely to side with Dershowitz than with J Street, I do think that while Dershowitz says he supports a Two State Solution and the end of settlements, he never seems to support any American policies which might actually lead to such a result.

That being said, J Street is Dead Wrong to lump Dershowitz with supporters of Greater Israel like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin; J Street owes Dershowitz an apology. J Street's McCarthyism,Alan Dershowitz

The password is swordfish: udderly ridiculous? At Kosher Feast, Fried Locusts for Dessert – The Jewish Daily Forward


I've written so many pieces over the years about the sins of the Indys and WFP that I've burnt out, even though both still stink like makerels at moonlight shining more brightly than ever, so when i found this link, I was glad someone else had taken up the cudgels. New York's Third Party Mess

This column says everything I've been saying for months; the guy must be a genius. The Stupidity Of Liberal Apathy | The New Republic

If you shake up a tree in the forest, and no one is there, does it make a sound? Part Two in a continuing series. Lazio shakes up campaign team


Despite his money, Jeff Greene is somewhat like Alvin; he's strange (Mike Tyson was his best man) and he might win the primary, but after that, the race is over.

The big difference is that his victory would be good news. It would be hard for national Democrats to abandon a black member of the US House of Representatives for popular former Republican turned independent Governor Charlie Crist. But with this character, they will be scurrying like rats off a sinking ship, with black voters probably leading the Exodus. Florida money – Ben Smith –


The other day I titled a column concerning Rangel in parody of his book—now he's stealing my material. A sad day indeed. Rep. Rangel faces ethics panel – CNN Video