The Gateway (Chuck Schumer Morphs Into Amy Sohn Edition)

Clichés become that way for a reason; Real Estate is accurately called "The New Pornography" because it appeals to prurient interests and is utterly without redeeming social importance.

Much like porn, in this article we learn that something seemingly small and insignificant has grown to ten times its original size; and, like in the Senator's own love life, one can rest assured that the now engorged value will be shared only with Iris Weinshall.

Mazel Tov to them both.

And like the Senator's love life, most of us would prefer he keep the details to himself.

But instead, we learn that Chuck Schumer is not merely a real estate horndog (a discrete but secret vice of many seemingly normal folk) but an exhibitionist as well.

Previously, when he'd been accused of waiving his Weiner in public, we thought he was talking about Anthony (a native Sloper who could surely opine about the only "values" Chuck is seemingly interested in).

For once, Chuck's antennae (the political kind) has failed him grievously. One would think he would have noticed while waiting on the checkout line at "Back to the Land" that even many diehard opponents of Atlantic Yards have been cursing a blue streak about Daniel Goldstein's sweet buyout deal, and wondering when their pot of gold will ever come in.

Schedefraude is Brownstone Brooklyn's greatest spectator sport. The good fortunes of others (especially the monetary kind) are a stone buzzkill.

The Brownstone version of Schumer's mythical Bailey family will not be pleased. Chuck Schumer Paid $157,000 For His Park Slope Apartment | The New York Observer


Given Rudy’s totally flippant attitude about his own religious beliefs [lovingly documented here about his own religious beliefs, is it any wonder that he opines so foolishly about the beliefs of others? Rudy: GZ Mosque is a 'desecration,' 'decent Muslims' won't be offended – Maggie Haberman – POLITICO


The smartest man in America puts the Ground Zero Mosque polling into perspective. FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Polls, Reporting on "Ground Zero Mosque" May Mislead


Isaac Chotiner poses a really interest question to opponents of the Holy Mother Coat Factory branch of the YMIA (Young Men's Islamic Association) One Especially Silly Aspect Of The Ground Zero Mosque Fight | The New Republic


You know a party is in trouble when Rick Lazio is their reasonable option. Reason, rhetoric collide in Republican campaign – Times Union


For Hamas, hitting Jordan instead of Israel is like a consolation prize. Rockets Fired Toward Israel and Jordan –


What has two wheels and thinks the problem is the Jews?

Cynthia McKinney on a bicycle.Hint That Green Party 2008 Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney Is Preparing For 2012 Run | Indep


The real agenda that dare not speak its name—until after the election. Rep. Ryan pushes budget reform, and his party winces


Elizabeth Warren: bad for bottom feeders. Opposition to her must be a fluke. Elizabeth Warren's Enemies List | The New Republic


Tom Foreman should probably be fired–his explanation of NPV has no relation whatsoever to how it would operate. He is either too dumb or too lazy to have his job. Hendrik Hertzberg: CNN Does N.P.V. : The New Yorker


Did anyone think he was still alive? Mitch Miller Obituary: View Mitch Miller's Obituary by New York Times